The Legend of Alice May (Part 2)

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"We're telling you, she's up to something," I snapped at Fred, who was convinced of Alice's innocence. "Come on, guys. So, Alice was using the shower and hanging out in the school basement late at night," Fred tried to reason with her, before laughing. "Haven't we all?"

"What if Alice is the ghost girl the sheriff mentioned?" Daph exclaimed while I crossed my arms in defiance. "You could be in danger, Fred."

"Don't you think I'd know if she were a ghost girl?" Fred asked with a goofy smile. "I'd be willing to bet no," I said dryly, before sitting on the couch near where Shaggy was playing video games.

"Yeah, me, too!" Scooby agreed, and I chuckled. "Like, what do we really know about Alice?" Shaggy asked.

"Besides the fact that she's super nice, and her hair smells like peaches, and sometimes I get lost in her eyes, and-."

"Fred Jones!" Daph exclaimed, interrupting Fred from his ranting. "Do you like this girl?"

"Wow look at the time," Fred said nervously, looking at his watchless wrist. "You're not wearing a watch, Freddy," Daph pointed out and I snorted. Fred seemed to realize this. "Oh. Well, I better go find one, then."

As he walked out the door, Angel spoke up from her spot on the computer. "You guys should take a look at this. That boy your ghost girl grabbed a couple of towns over? Baby, he wasn't the first."

"These attacks go back to the turn of the century," Velma pointed out as she read over Angel's shoulder. "Looks like your ghost girl's building herself a man posse," Angel added. Shaggy shuddered. "Zoinks! Like, what if Fred's her latest possum?"

"Not on my watch," Daphne said and stormed out the door. "Like, now what?" Shaggy asked. I sighed. "Now we make sure she isn't arrested for trespassing and assault," I said, and we all said goodbye to Angel as we followed Daphne.

We climbed into the Mystery Machine, with Shaggy taking the wheel and Daphne navigating with her phone. I sat in the back with Scooby. "Exactly how did you get Alice May's address again?" Velma asked her. "And when? I was with you basically all day," I added. "Well, someone's unobservant," I heard Velma mutter. I glared at her but kept quiet. "I found it in her locker. I noticed the combination while Fred was helping her. Lucky, huh?" Daph said, showing no understanding of how stalker-like that is.

Finally, we came to a stop at the cemetery. "Like, tell me she moved," Shaggy whimpered with a nervous laugh as we climbed out. "Well, what about Freddy?" Scooby asked, trying to get out of going inside. "I left him a message. Every minute we wait, he could be in danger," Daphne said quickly, and we entered the cemetery. "We should split up, cover more ground," she continued. "I don't think that's such a-."

"I'll go with Scooby and Ellie," Daphne interrupted Velma. "Velma, you go with Shaggy."

"Sounds good to me," Velma purred, and cozied up with Shaggy. I flared my nostrils and sped past them, not bothering to look back. Then, Daphne, Scooby, and I went to the left and Shaggy and Velma went to the right.

"Keep your eyes peeled for anything suspicious, guys."

"Okay," I said simply, whipping around with my flashlight. She looked at me. "Are you okay?" she asked quietly. "Fine. Just don't know why Velma had to be with Shaggy is all," I said, not looking at her. "This is their chance to break up," she told me. I frowned and looked at her. "What do you mean?"

"Look, we are bound to find something in here, I mean, it's a cemetery. And when he doesn't protect her and is closer to you than her, then she will lose it and want to break up," she explained. I paused. "That actually makes sense."

"Don't sound so shocked," she laughed before there was the sound of footsteps. We stopped and looked around. "Did you hear something?" she asked. "Uh-uh," Scooby said with a shake of his head. We continued walking in silence, when we heard the footsteps again, and louder. "That time I heard it. Uh-oh," Scooby said.

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