The Dragon's Secret (Part 1)

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I was sitting in my room looking over yet another diary, this time from a girl by the name of Selina Ramirez. She too traveled around with a group of friends and a skunk solving mysteries. But, like the diary of Miriam Serra, it was mostly in Spanish, though I could recognize a lot of the phrases now.

I had just finished the diary of Miriam, and from everything I gathered in her diary, it seemed like they had found pieces- like the one we got from the Darrow Mansion- from a Spanish conquistador who had gone crazy and was talking about a treasure. But it wasn't talked about much more until the last entry where she wrote about how they wanted to hide the pieces to get their minds off them. She also mentioned how strange Porto had been acting. But that was all I got from this diary. I was hoping the next one would have more information.

There was a knock on the door, and Daphne walked in. "Hey Ellie," she greeted. "Hey Daph. What's up?" I asked, sitting up from the book. "Nothing, just gonna meet the gang at Chen's. Velma wanted us all to meet her there," she said. "Cool, let me grab my bag and we can head out," I said. After getting ready, we went outside as Fred pulled up in the Mystery Machine. We climbed in, Daphne up front and me in the back with Shaggy and Scooby.

Shaggy kissed my cheek and put his arm around my shoulders while Scooby put his head on my lap. "Like, how's the whole chest project going?" Shaggy asked. I shrugged. "Pretty good. Finished the diary from Miriam, and now I'm starting on the diary of Selina Ramirez," I told him. "More Spanish translating?" he asked. I nodded. "Yeah, but it's getting easier."

"Anything you can tell us about the piece we have?" Fred asked from the front. "Yeah, actually. Apparently, the mystery gang Miriam Serra was a part of, Fraternitas Mysterium, found two pieces like ours after finding a conquistador who'd gone insane. They hid the first one in a block of cheese, and the other one went down with the part of Crystal Cove that sank into the ocean," I explained.

"Wow. I wonder how many more are out there," Daphne thought aloud. This made us all stop and think for the rest of the drive to Chen's. When we pulled up, Shaggy and Scooby ran inside, excited to get some food here. Shaggy was quick to go to the counter to order his latte, while Scooby, Fred, Daphne, and I all claimed the table in the middle.

"Oh crap," Fred suddenly exclaimed, standing up. "I was supposed to meet up with my dad! There's this delegate from China visiting and he wanted me there with him today. See ya, gang!" he called, and raced out of the restaurant.

Daphne sighed as she watched him run to the Mystery Machine. "Everything okay Daph?" I asked her. "Tonight's the first time my parents will see Fred and me as a couple. I just want everything to be perfect. I'm afraid they think Fred is a weirdo. Thanks for listening," she then said, looking at me and Scooby. "No problem," Scooby said happily as Shaggy sat down next to me.

That's when Velma walked in with a tall, thin Chinese girl in a beret. "Velma, over here," Daphne waved them over. "Those are my friends," Velma was telling her, though she muttered something under her breath to the girl, making her laugh.

"This is Mai Le. She's here from China on a two-week student exchange," Velma explained as they sat down. Mai Le sat next to Shaggy, looking at him the entire time. I raised a brow at her but said nothing. "Like, who did we exchange for her?" Shaggy asked as he tried to lick nacho cheese off his nose. Mai Le giggled as Velma explained, though I didn't pay attention.

Instead, I grabbed Shaggy's free hand and stared at Mai Le as she looked at Shaggy. "Welcome to Crystal Cove, Mai Le. I think you're gonna love it here," Daphne said with a smile. "Me, too," Mai Le said with another giggle and with her heart eyes pointed at my boyfriend. "Chen, this is Mai Le. She's visiting from China," Velma introduced as Chen brought over Shaggy's ice cream sandwiches.

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