°WARNINGS!: Never uses guns, only close range combat. He is not seen around DWT a lot, but you don't want to interfere with him. If DWT causes a mess (dead bodies, city damage) KJ is always there to clean up the problem. Disposes of dead bodies, hands stacks of cash to shop owners who has their stores grieved. We do not recommend getting close to him when he is cleaning up. He is extremely on guard and one move close to him will result in you losing a few fingers...and your head.


°CB POSITION: Car specialist, Sniper (?)

°LOCATION: United States of America

°HEIGHT: 5'8-5'9

°AGE: 22

°DESCRIPTION: Black hair. Always covered by a ball cap or beanie. Black aviators. blue button up with black dress pants and shoes. Never seen mostly.

°WARNINGS!: Quackity is considered a sniper. he usually hides in the shadows of an alleyway with a double barrel shot gun. addicted to gambling, and can make you bet your life away if he sees it necessary. When he is not fighting, he is driving the car to pick up and drop off DWT. however, he still carries the shot gun. do not approach the car or try to damage it. he will intervene, and you will end up in the trunk of the car.


°CB POSITION: anything, torturer.

°LOCATION: United States of America

°HEIGHT: ????

°AGE: ???

°DESCRIPTION: Unknown Hair color. Unknown weapon of choice. he has anything and everything. We consider a wooden baseball bat to be his main weapon choice. he has any position. He is a bodyguard, a fighter, a cleaner, a driver, a sniper, anything. Has a reindeer hoodie he matches with black jeans and Doc Marten Boots. Reindeer hoodie covers his head and most of his facial features. wears a black mask to cover the bottom part of his face.

°WARNINGS!: he is almost as dangerous as DWT. he is unpredictable and perfect at every job position. hides in the shadows while DWT is out, and no one sees him until DWT is leaving his position. if DWT is open for attacks, Callahan is seen jumping out of random places and protecting DWT. Never speaks but seems to know everything. you don't wanna end up on the bad end of his Baseball Bat.


(fun fact: there's a band called yeastie girls)


°CW POSITION: Sniper, Inside Worker, one of DWT's Angels

°LOCATION: United States of America

°HEIGHT: Unknown

°AGE: 22

°Description: Blonde hair that passes the shoulders. black hoodies with a maroon skirt, black ankle high demonias. sometimes even wears Techwear. besties with Callahan. carries throwing knives.

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