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I was walking normally towards the hospital like everyday. I could feel people staring, but it was because I was Endeavor's son. I opened the doors and sat down on the blue sofa waiting. I took my phone from my coats pocket and just scrolled through for a little while. I had already informed the hospital about my visit, so they would pick me up from the waiting room to see Denki when I could go see him.

I looked at the time. Normally, it didn't take this long... Did something happen? Hopefully not...

He was my soulmate after all...

I stood up and put my phone back. I thought for a second and I realised I couldn't do anything. It would be rude to just ask when I could get in. I closed my eyes and listened. Someone... No... Many people were panicking near...       IT WAS COMING FROM DENKI'S ROOM! SO SOMETHING HAPPENED AFTER ALL!

I looked around panicking myself. No one was at the hospital desk. I didn't even have to think. I rushed to Denki's door and listened through it. They were talking about something like Denki woke up yesterday? Then they started panicking more as a doctor added that he had fallen back again?


It was clear...

He had woken up yesterday, but had now fallen back into coma!..



Why couldn't he just stay up?..



Stay awake...

For me?..


For us all missing you...

The "Bakusquad".

All our classmates.


Your family.


For us,



I'm begging you...


Don't fall...

Into death...

"Sunflower" Todokami Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now