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Denki rushed to the main room. There were cyan flames everywhere and students fighting off villains. Some windows were cracked and a few were fully destroyed. Eraser Head was running towards the burning building.

Denki was known for his stupidity, but he wasn't even that dumb. But it was different seeing your own "home" being attacked by villains, and seeing your friends get hurt by them too.

He aimed Dabi with his finger, and released a big electricity shock towards the burnt villain. But the shock didn't shock Dabi, but Katsuki, who had just jumped towards Dabi to end him with explosions. Katsuki fell on the floor right in front of Dabi.

Dabi looked Denki in the eyes. Then he dashed towards the golden boy. Denki didn't know what to do. He jumped out of the way, only to find some ice behind him. He had nowhere to run. He had to test his new technique now.

Denki dashed as fast as a lightning in the air. This was his new technique. He shocked Dabi as he flew next to him, and Dabi couldn't do anything about Denki. Denki landed right in front of a broken window. Eraser Head rushed in the scene too.

Denki thought for a second and used all his stamina in one, big move. He made his body as fast as a lightning, again. He dashed all over the room shocking villains. It didn't do much damage, but it helped his classmates. Finally, he went for Dabi, who was aiming for Izuku now. He flew on top of Dabi, and shocked him with 2 million volts. Denki used another surprise technique, his powered fist. He put all the electricity flowing around him in his right fist, and punched Dabi with all he got. Dabi's cyan eyes turned white and his eyes slowly closed.

Denki knew he wouldn't stay conscious for long anymore after using those two moves. They required way more stamina than his body had to offer, and he had passed his limit a long ago. It was right before shocking Dabi with 2 million volts. But he knew that nobody would have to worry about that dangerous villain anymore.

His eyes closed and he lost feeling his body. He fell on the floor unconscious.

Izuku was shocked about what he just saw happen right in front of him. He saw Denki dash around like a lightning, then use 2 million volts and finally gathering electricity in his fist and punching Dabi.

Katsuki's eyes slowly opened. He blinked a few times, and looked around. He was in the middle of the "battlefield". He saw Dabi's lifeless body not too far away from him. And next to Dabi was... Dunce Face. Dunce Face was laying unconscious on the floor next to Dabi. But it was weird... Dunce had a small smile on his face. He looked... Proud?

Dabi had marks of being electrocuted all around his body. Did Dunce defeat Dabi? But Dunce was weak, and Dabi was not. Or was he wrong. No. He was never wrong. Katsuki Bakugo was never wrong.

Or was he?..

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