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The villains had escaped right after the symbol of peace, All Might, had arrived at the scene. Kurogiri took all the villains together with him to their new hideout.

The teachers started cleaning up the dorms. An ambulance took all the injured students to the nearest hospital. Denki was one of the injured. He had fell unconscious during the fight after defeating Dabi, and Shoto had protected him with a wall of cold ice.

Denki was in critical condition. Even though Shoto had protected him from the other villains, it didn't change the fact he had went way too much over his limit. Shoto was sitting in Denki's hospital room. There was his soulmate, laying on a hospital bed unconscious because he couldn't protect him good enough. The Bakusquad had visited Denki earlier, and Shoto was the last one to see Denki.

"I'm sorry..."

"I couldn't protect you..."

Some doctors walked towards Shoto. They had sad looks on their face, but it didn't seem like Denki had died or anything like that.

"Mr. Todoroki, your friend has fell into a coma. We don't know how long it will last, but we'll make sure to inform you when he wakes up".



Shoto ran next to Denki's bed. He hugged him and placed his own head on Denki's shoulder.

"I hope you wake up soon... Denki"

Shoto stood up and left something on the table next to the bed. He walked out of the room to the colorless hallway. He looked at the floor while walking and finally made it to the dorms. He opened the door and walked through the commom room where Izuku waved his hand at Shoto. He didn't care. He went straight to his own dorm room and took a marker from his desk. He wrote on his arm.

"I hope you wake up soon  -Shoto".

He knew that Denki would read it when he would wake up, but at least he would know Shoto cared.

"Sunflower" Todokami Soulmate AUМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя