Chapter 18: Their Voices

Start from the beginning

Imogen made sure to keep her back turned as she moved to different shelves as she thought of what spell to use, trying to ignore her voice. She created a fireball in her hand, getting ready to throw it.

"Especially me." Came the voice of Lia. Her voice caught in her throat as her fire spell faltered. "I wasn't a bad person. I was just trying to save my family and I ended up dead because of your aunt."

Imogen trembled, "I-I didn't know." She was back in that house with Sylvia, hearing the crack of Lia's neck being snapped. She dug her nails in her palm, trying to push down the memory that still haunted her.

"Of course you didn't. You were too busy being in love with Scott."  Lia spat out hatefully. "But when you lose someone it's okay for you to get revenge. My family was killed. I was killed. Did you ever even mourn me?"

The hybrid trembled in her spot, saying nothing. At the time of her death, she had felt some guilt but part of her had resented the blonde for using her and that made her feel even more guilty. Not to mention that she herself had died and came back with one less family member.  "I-I'm sorry." Imogen mumbled tearfully.

"Or what about me?" Grace said, causing her to stiffen. "I sacrificed myself so you wouldn't have to. I died and because of you Ben died too."

The voice changed, "Everyone just ends up dead because of you." Came the disgusted tone belonging to Viola and she whimpered. 

"You shouldn't have been born." Ben said scornfully.

"SHUT UP!" Imogen shut her eyes as she shot out a fireball in it's direction and started to fight it, knowing she was at a disadvantage without her sight. "Just stop!" She begged, she didn't want to hear about the people she had failed.




Monroe made her way outside and felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. Someone was following her. She spun around and began firing her bullets, hoping to kill whatever it was that followed her. She caught sight of red eyes and clicked her tongue in anger.

She was angry that she had missed. Scott should've died. If only that beta of his hadn't gotten in the way. Her eyes grew sharper as she tried to shoot him again, only he was moving too fast and good at hiding out of her line of sight.

He was playing with her.




"Why? Don't like hearing the truth?" Sylvia teased darkly. "You let every single person you love die." Imogen flinched at her taunts and tried to hit her, missing her target. "It's only a matter of time before Scott dies. You already let your unborn child die."

That caused Imogen to let out a shriek that sent out a burst of magic from her, knocking the anuk-ite. She stood up, her breathing heavy as she was suddenly now more angry than afraid. "Don't mention my child again."

"Oh, did I hit a nerve?" Sylvia taunted, only to falter when Imogen used magic to hold it steady before throwing it into the tables. The anuk-ite panicked that the girl was able to sense it.

"Just shut up already!" She snapped, her eyes still shut but could sense the anuk-ites power. She formed fireballs in her hands and threw them, relishing in the cries of pains the creature let out. Now she just needed to kill it or seal it away somehow.  The anuke-ite tried to get up and leave but was stopped by a wall of fire. "You're not leaving. I'm stopping you one way or another and saving everyone."

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