Start from the beginning

Ohk... but where? She couldn't help but agree after seeing his literal puppy eyes. This Manik is just so..... lively.

It's a surprise. He exclaimed happily. Nandini nodded trying not to show all the bitter experience that are associated with the word 'surprise'.

The evening set in fast. Nandini and Manik were all ready. As Manik brought his car, Nandini slipped into the passenger seat passing him a small smile, not making her restlessness evident. Manik was looking too happy to notice that and she didn't want his smile to dim.

After an hour of travel with occasional talking and lots of melody playing through the playlist, they reached their destination.

Nandini stood staring at it in awe!

They were standing in front of night carnival. For a minute, Nandini forgot everything, her awful past and her fear for the future. She just wanted to enjoy the today that was hers.... and his.

She held his hand and pulled him inside, almost running making Manik grin widely at her twinkling eyes. The Nandini he knew was this.

She dragged him towards the rides first. He laughed at her adventurous nature. She always wanted thrill and more thrill. They played all of them, with Nandini enjoying the rides and manik enjoying Nandini's broad smile.

Finally after having a fun filled three hours, they finally came out of the exit with an ice cream in their hands, Nandini bumping her shoulder with his teasing him about the girl who gave him sly, flirty looks while Manik whined about how he felt very uncomfortable and embarrassed.

Laughing her guts out, Nandini walked towards the passenger seat of their car when Manik held her hand. She looked at him puzzled but still with her teeth on display.

How about a walk, Nandini? The weather's so nice. He asked with hopeful eyes.

Nandini nodded her head and turned around, gesturing him to lead the way. He offered her his hand like a gentleman, with his legs crossed right behind left. Nandini accepted it with color lightly creeping up her cheeks unconsciously and both walked towards a small street.

The moon was already up and the lights were slowly going out as the clock showed nearly 10. They kept their stride steadily slow and none of them withdrew their hands to not let go off the comfort.

Why are we here, Manik? Nandini asked in a small whisper not willing to break the peaceful atmosphere that surrounded them.

Say the truth, please. Her eyes held an unknown plead. 

Even if it's about what I said to you before marriage, you didn't have to get me here. You could have just delayed or broken the marriage. But, you did none.

I agree I had a very good time here after a long time, but this question just doesn't stop bugging me. Be honest with me.

Manik sighed in defeat. He wanted to delay this confrontation as much as possible, but it came sooner he anticipated. After all nothing is hidden from the keen eyes of Nandini Murthy!

Nandini, I....

You betrayed me! They heard.

You betrayed me!

The words rang in Nandini's ears and she stilled on her place. Manik kept speaking, but not a word reached her head.

You betrayed me!

You betrayed me!

You betrayed me!

No, she murmured and that made Manik stop his rant.

FOR ALL THAT IS LEFT - A MaNan ffWhere stories live. Discover now