Chapter Six: The Battle Of Olympus

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A handful of minutes later, the group materialised on the outskirts of Olympus with their plan laid out and ready. However, it was only now that they all saw the changes that had been made since the trio left almost a day ago. The normally bright blue sky of Olympus had turned eerily dark, thunder and lightning crackling ominously above the Temples of Olympus, silhouetting the tall buildings around them. "Right we can't stand here all day, let's go." Dawn said, pulling her eyes away from the many wrecked houses and swallowing down the fear as she and the other Rebels headed for the High Temple in front of them.

"Well that's certainly an ego and a half." Loki drawled as the Rebels passed two newly erected statues of Hades and Hel in the Centre of Olympus, a relatively smaller statue of Zeus up ahead. Suddenly, as the Rebels passed the Temple of Heracles four Guards came running towards them, spears at the ready. The Guards were fast, but as usual, Ace was faster. She clicked her fingers and every Guard disappeared, quick as a wink. "Where did you send them?" Pandora asked as they all headed forwards again at a quick pace. "Oh the highest Cave on one of the Norse Mountains. I would've tried to hide us but they had already saw us so there wasn't much point anyway, that should get them out of the way." As Ace finished, a small, nervous-looking Guard slipped out from behind a Temple, running towards the foreboding shape of the High Temple, intent on alerting the other Loyals.

However this time, as Ace raised her hand, Caspian put his own hand over hers, causing the Rebels to turn and look at him expectantly as he spoke, "Oh don't worry Ace, I think I've got this." Then with that, Caspian closed his eyes and put two fingers to his temple concentrating hard until... the young Guard collapsed in a heap on the cloudy floor. "I take it they'll be ok?" Dawn asked in a matter-of-fact tone to a nod from Caspian. While both her and Cascadia looked as though they'd seen this before a couple of times, Loki and Eris were looking almost approvingly at Caspian as they moved towards the High Temple, while Ace and Pandora looked at each other, Brenda giving Caspian a sweeping look of approval. "Holy shit." Breathed Ace. "I know right?" Pandora responded, as the two caught up with the others.

As the Rebels arrived at the High Temple they noticed that many of the houses around them had indeed been destroyed, leaving Olympus in disarray, Dawn's eyes glittered with angry tears as she seethed at the destruction her home. But as she cried, Pandora and Ace put a hand on each of her shoulders offering her encouraging smiles while Loki and Eris nodded at each other and ran out from their hideout, throwing smoke bombs down next to the Guards as they did, creating a cacophony of colourful smoke and Guards' confused yells. "That's the signal! Go!" Brenda said in a loud whisper. With that, all the group exited their hiding places, sneaking past the extremely distracted Guards, one of whom was having raw fish dumped on his head by Loki while Eris cast a spell causing another Guard to hop in pain as the soles of his sandals burned. Both Loki and Eris were laughing wickedly, enjoying the utter carnage they were creating as the Rebels separated into their two teams and headed through the large doors into the High Temple.

Dawn, and Cascadia darted past the Guards while Ace pulled a key from the Chief Guard's belt and ran back to them allowing the three to open a nearby door and slip down the staircase that led to the lower levels of the Temple. When they reached the first level of Dungeons they were met with the sight of many occupied cells hosting Immortals who'd had the bravery to oppose Hades and Hel. They rushed to the first cell and Dawn opened the door while Cascadia conjured a large wave of water, throwing the Guards against the cell doors and knocking them out, quickly handing whatever weapons she could take to the inmates as Ace dropped her card in an alcove in the wall separating each of the 5 cells. Along they went, freeing each prisoner one by one, but still no sign of Aphrodite or Vulcan. So the three headed down to one of the lowest levels and while Ace teleported the Guards into an empty cell, locking the door in double- quick time Dawn freed the prisoners, dropping several cards of her own on the floor with a distracted hand.

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