Chapter Five: Plan Of Attack

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Dawn's mind burned with confusion as she plummeted down the dark tunnel, the stone floor getting ever closer and closer. 

Panic rinsed The Goddess of Light's face and rose in her chest as her fate flashed before her eyes. 

Then suddenly, through her now closed eyes, Dawn felt a large mattress beneath them blocking their fall and then promptly disappearing a second later. Once she'd got up, Dawn looked around as the others groaned and picked themselves up off the hard, stone floor. 

They were in a large black Cavern surrounded with that eerie green light that emanated from green flames across the walls. 

Up ahead she could see two large thrones upon which were seated two shadowy figures with a single smaller figure sprawling across the third, smaller, throne their legs crossed over one of the seat's arms. To add to the hair raising air of mystery around, Pandora and Brenda's clothes, which had previously been soaked from the snow, were now mysteriously dry. 

"What in the Nine Realms was that?" Brenda asked picking up her dropped sword and rubbing her sore head with her free hand. 

"Oh, Ace can tell you," Caspian said softly, as Pandora looked around for her friend. 

In response to Pandora and Dawn's questioning looks, the young God pointed at the figure on the third throne.

As Caspian pointed, green flames burst into life behind the thrones revealing the figures sat there. 

There Ace sat, in the smallest throne, looking back at her friends with a slight smirk. Next to her sat Loki and Eris, the former taking up his throne in the most grandiose way possible.

"Yes I'm sorry for the unorthodox method of travel. My dear parents do have very tight security and a rather strange sense of humour," Ace said with a grin in her voice.

"Strange? You were about ready to laugh when you got down here," Loki shot at his daughter who looked outraged. 

"That is a slanderous accusation!" Ace replied, her mouth twitching ever so slightly as she did. 

"Anyway, I've been meaning to ask you why I have the smaller throne?" the Goddess followed up questioningly. 

"Because you are our child, you're the smallest, why would we bother upgrading it now it's already built?" said Loki coolly, relaxing on his larger Throne as Eris nodded in agreement.

 "Didn't stop you trying to attack me on the way in!" Ace retorted, whipping around to her parents. 

"We thought you were an intruder!" Eris defended, seeming lazily unconvinced. 

"The second I told you it was me what did you say?  Go on tell them," responded Ace indignantly. 

"Oh that, all I said was it was one of Loki's kids, since you have so many," Eris said, turning a cool eye to The God of Mischief beside her.

"Not that many," Loki responded quietly.

"More than I'd want. But regardless, he simply asked which one it was and-" 

"And you called me the not-murderous one! Your own child who lived with you for a good hundred years and I'm the 'not-murderous' one, you couldn't even think of a unique trait cause I'm such a 'normal' person," Ace retorted, her cheeks shining slightly red as her face crumpled into a frown. 

"You always were as dramatic as your father. It's one of the reasons I was never too fond of the idea of being a mother, of course the baby was going to be part me but then again they were always going to have some awful father's genes," Eris said shortly.

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