He said, ''What the fuck!! Why you did that ??''

I was furious, ''Why you did that ?? Are you crazy. Oh hell yeah.'' 

He gave me a sly smile and said, ''Wait and watch the show it's going to end.''

Before I could say anything both Stella and Isaac popped their head out of the water surface and looked at eachother. We exactly were under that Rialto Bridge and then the time kind of stopped....

Isaac said, ''Are you okay ?? Nothing happened to you right ?? You are-'' 

Stella was looking straight into his eyes and said, ''Why did you jump ??''

Isaac said, ''To save you !!''.

''Why did you wanted to save me so desperately ?? You could have asked for help and they would have done the same.'' Stella stated.

''Because I love you !! I love you Stella and I can't loose you at any cost. I will do anything it takes to make you safe and happy !!'' He shouted out.


''I love you too'' Stella mumbled and we both smashed our lips together. 

It was the first kiss of my life hot and passionate the cold water didn't bite me anymore the world seemed to fade. It was just me, Stella and our love for eachother.

Oh I love her so much !! 

After we broke the kiss she looked at me and said, ''Won't you give me the ring ??'' and giggled.

''Oh yes, I will.'' 

On Valentines Day in Venice, under the Rialto Bridge half body submerged in cold water of the grand canal I put the ring on Stella's hand confessing my love. I never thought it all would happen like this but it did. 

I asked her, "Will you be my girlfriend and Valentina for the rest of my life ??"

"Of course" She said with her adorable smile.

We all were sitting in Ryan and Camila's room. Ian was really excited to know what is the matter and so am I. Seems like even Cam didn't knew anything about it.

Camila said impatiently, "Spill the beans !! Can't wait anymore."

Ryan said everything in details...
From Josh and Erica's plan to send us on this trip to make us confess our love, to Ryan planning the whole pushing into the water thing.

Apparently, on the day when I and Ryan were having breakfast I had told Ryan about my feelings and at that time he had said, "You should get a ring buddy. Stella likes you and you like her. You have to realize it. You never know when things will change so you better keep a ring with yourself always."

So I did get a ring and then Stella wanted to test me so when Ryan told her, "Somehow, I will just push you into the water and if Isaac is madly in love with you he will go after you to save you and there his love will be tested and because of the situation if you ask him why he did it he sure will say out his heart."
There was just one problem, the water was way to cold, bone chilling cold, still Stella agreed to do it for me...for us.
And that was the plan.

Everyone seemed to be in shock but happy as well. Maybe I would gave taken a lot of time if not they have enacted something like this. It was Valentines Day and everyone was in party mood. So we decided to continue the tour after lunch and then in the evening we can go to the club for celebration !!


I was happy about whatever I did today and how it turned out. I just hope Isaac and Stella don't catch cold now. 

I too need a Valentine. Everybody has left and I was thinking of asking Camila if she would be my Valentine...
So I did.

She was standing in the balcony when I went to her and said, "Camila...I..I..You know..I just.."
Why the hell am I stammering !!

''Relax Ryan" She said putting a hand on my shoulder.

I took a deep breath and asked, "Will you be my Valentine??" and handed a chocolate to her.

Her lips stretched into a smile and she said, "Yes !! Of course. And yeah...I am so sorry about the punch today I am so sorry...I just..I should have known that what you did was for a reason...I..I.."

I looked down at her and said, "It's okay. Yoy just punched me in the gut, it did hurt a little but I know you trust me and that's enough."

We both smiled at that.


Fast update right ! I am really sorry for any of the grammatical mistakes. Just ignore, I will correct then later, once I am done with the book.
I hope you liked the chapter. Thanks for reading !

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-Love Ya

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