Chapter 11

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They tell me think with my head, not that thing in my chest

They got their hands at my neck this time

The voice of the foreign singer blasted through the big speakers but it was still somehow drowned by the cheers of the fans waiting for BDC to perform onstage.

One hundred philantrophists, celebrities and socialites gathered at the concert grounds where BDC band held their annual charity event. The party is exclusive for the top 100 people and organizations who made a donation to the band's chosen charity (this year the band is funding the construction of an orphanage). Top 20 donors are entitled to backstage passes and front row VIP seats. Given the band's good public image, the richest of the rich always wanted to be associated with the band.

You probably get the picture - this is the type of event where the rich flaunt their money in the guise of wanting to contribute to the society's welfare. The very kind of event that Mix hated the most.

Not to say he thinks the band is doing something wrong. Mix understands the reality that there's no quicker way of helping those in need if not through events like this. You don't raise 80 million baht in one night, unless you hold events like this that feed the ego of the rich.

That doesn't diminish Mix's distaste of such events, though. He could only think of the kids the orphanage will be helping to get him through the night with a smile.

Trying to act in love with Alicia isn't helping Mix's mood either. He told her they needed to be a bit closer than usual tonight, to finally crush the rumors about Mix in exchange for his freedom (a temporary one that would only end with a more permanent bondage - marriage). Mix found it pathetic that the solution to the uproar caused by his fake flirting is this - another lie.

The duchess is taking the act too seriously and is causing discomfort to Mix by the way she latch onto him like a gum."It's pretty hot in here, don't you think?" Mix asked Alicia as he slowly removes her hand from his arm. 

Alicia just put her hand on Mix's thigh as she pose for a selfie with him. "Smile, darling" Alicia said, way louder than necessary, drawing the attention of the people near them. As if Alicia's shot wasn't enough, other people in the VIP section started taking photos of them.

It isn't only the other audience who are now focused on the soon-to-be newly-weds. Oddly enough, Mix could feel Earth's attention on him despite the sunglasses that the Royal guard was wearing.

They tell me think with my head, not that thing in my chest

They got their hands at my neck this time

But you're the one that I want, if that's really so wrong

Then they don't know what this feeling is like

Damn this "thing in his chest" for going against his head. How can his heart still skip a beat at the thought of the man who see him as a mistake? How can he still crave for someone who says he wants nohing to do with him?

Maybe it's the faint but sweet taste of Earth's lips lingering in Mix's mouth or the memory of the man's heartwarming embrace that makes Mix foolishly hope that the Royal Guard will still change his mind.

Mix hoped that the ride from Win's place to the Palace would give him a chance to talk to Earth again simply because the last conversation they had didn't make sense to Mix. Unfortunately, Earth didn't come with a car; the Royal Guard came with a freaking motorcycle to be "less suspicious" and to enable them to go on several shortcuts and get to the Palace faster.

It wasn't like he could get a serious conversation with Earth over the roars of the big bike and with the two of them wearing thick helmets. So instead of talking, Mix just enjoyed what little the ride could offer - the chance to put his arms around Earth and savor his heat in contrast with the cold air of the early Friday morning.

"Good evening, generous sponsors!" Kit's voice made the crowd excited and brought Mix back to the present. "Thank you for your usual support to our projects as a band. Your contributions will definitely go a long way."

"This isn't much, but the band hopes to give back to you a little through our music. Enjoy the rest of the show!" Bright said just before he played the first note of the band's newest song, Unmovable.

Twenty minutes into the show and Mix had enough of Alicia grinding onto him as she danced to BDC's more lively songs while people watch and film them.

"Restroom," Mix didn't bother to get a full sentence out before moving away from Alicia.

Silence enveloped the tiled wall of the restroom but Mix's ears are still ringing from the loud music. He washed his hands and face but didn't immediately opened his eyes.

The sound of the restroom door opening startled Mix. Opening his eyes, he was greeted by the sight of  Earth without his sunglasses, looking at him tenderly and with great passion and longing, all at once. How is he supposed to believe that Earth doesn't feel anything towards him when his eyes are saying otherwise?

"You were taking a while, Your Highness."

"I, ah, I was just about to get back." Mix said as he hurriedly dried his hands and face with paper towel.

Just when Mix was about to open the door, Earth stopped him.

"Be careful of Alicia, Your Highness. I'll make sure nothing happens to you, not on my watch. But just be careful around Alicia when you're alone."


"There's not much to tell now since we haven't confirmed the most critical things, but we have doubts about Alicia's...intentions with the Royal Family."

Mix was about to tell Earth that he deserves to know things about the woman he's marrying. But before he could say anything, Earth surprised him by kissing his forehead.

Lifting his lips, Earth looked at Mix.
"I promised Anya I won't touch you again until I'm sure of how I feel about the two of us and how far I can go for whatever this thing between us is."

Mix wanted to cry. "Then what are you doing? I don't play games, Earth. Your indecisiveness is hurting me," he said in a whisper.

"I can't help it, Mix. I'm so sorry. I try so hard to look away from you everyday because I still think I'm not the best for you. But every waking hour is a constant struggle of stopping myself from sneaking you out of the Palace and disappearing with you to nowhere. I'm losing a battle with myself, with that part of me that says your better off without me. The selfish one is tempting me to just go ahead and claim you as mine."

Mix didn't know why but the idea of Earth claiming him made him feel giddy. Feeling a little braver and more confident in himself, Mix moved his lips closer to Earth's face before speaking, his light breath tickling the taller man's ears.

"You know which side I'm on."


The buzz of an incoming call woke Mix up. They got home pretty late last night after the concert so he's still half asleep as he searched the bed for his phone.

4am? Who calls anyone at 4am on a Sunday?

"Win? Dude, it's fuc-"

"Get out of the Palace, Your Highness."

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