She trailed off, her smile widening and she looked away as she reminisced. "Katara taught me some things in the last two years. I am in more control now that finally someone who is a master waterbender thought to teach me a couple of things. My parents would never do that, fighting for girls was prohibited. Hama couldn't do that for her focus was another. I couldn't do it myself because I lacked the basics. Katara, though, managed to teach me a couple of things. I am more in tune with my element than I ever was."

"I find it hard to believe," he admitted, his eyes widening slightly as he imagined what fighting against Tapeesa could be like right now. He found he wasn't certain if he wanted to know but what he was certain of was that he would never see her the same way if he did know. "You have always been in tune with your element. More than anyone else I know. That's the reason you even managed to save me the first time we met."

"I could still get better," she nodded to herself, turned back to face him with a proud smile. "I can feel your heartbeat when we sit this close."

Aang's eyes widened. "But the full moon isn't on for a couple of weeks."

"I know," her smile widened, "didn't I tell you? I am a better bender now than I ever have been before. I have lost some muscle ever since you first saw me when I trained for combat every day but now I have gained so much more. And, although I am in control, it is like I need to bend every day. By being in a hospital and healing I could bend every day and my bending would have to be precise and focused so I will also keep myself in check."

Aang couldn't help but smile. "You have thought of everything, then."

"I think so," she mused, the corner of her lips raising in a teasing smile. "And you can always ensure I don't lose my fighting skills. We could train here. There is no one to see or to get hurt from us."

"Other than each other," Aang laughed with a shake his head.

"We should keep ourselves busy," Tapeesa shrugged, Aang's scoff coming hardly after she had finished her sentence.

"I can think of other ways we could keep ourselves busy, Tapeesa."

"It was just a suggestion," she chuckled as she looked ahead, to the setting sun. Slowly, her amusement faded until a while later, she let out a small sigh. "I need to send Katara a letter."

Aang didn't reply by anything other than a hum. In the forefront of his thoughts though his doubts reigned. Against his better judgment, and even though he had asked her that before and he already had an answer, he wondered, how long would she stay with him before Katara needed her back?


For the next week, life was back to normal for Tapeesa. Her training in the police force continued—with a certain firebender no longer looking her way much—and afterwards she headed right for the hospital and she stayed for a couple of hours before she returned to Air Temple Island on her own to find Aang and spend the rest of her day by his side. She quite liked the rhythm of her life. But that was all going to change.

On one afternoon as she finished her work at the hospital and got outside she found Aang waiting for her, his expression grim and serious. At once, she was matching his expression as she walked over.

"What happened?" she asked at once, fearing the worst, that some of their friends had gotten hurt, perhaps. He didn't answer, though, only shook his head.

"We are having a meeting at Sokka's house," he told her as he pushed himself off of the wall he had been leaning against. "I'm going to tell everyone there."

"Should I be worried?" she asked softly as she followed after him, quickly matching her footsteps to follow him.

"No," Aang responded after a while, although he didn't look her way. Tapeesa's worries didn't ease in the slightest. By the time they had reached Sokka's house, she had come to one conclusion by thinking of all Aang had told her in the last weeks. Before she could confirm her suspicion, though, they had arrived and Sokka was opening the door.

"Come in," he spoke, his voice serious as well, even though he didn't know the cause for their visit. As they entered, they saw Toph was already there, sitting at a seat around the table, right beside the empty seat in between her and Suki. Aang drew a chair to sit down beside Suki and Tapeesa did the same thing, sitting in between Toph and Aang. When Sokka finally sat down, they started to talk.

"What is this about?" Suki asked, but before Aang could answer, Sokka spoke up.

"Keep in mind Kya is asleep in the next room," he told them. Tapeesa nodded at him once before she turned to Aang. Once he was certain he had everyone's attention he started talking.

"When King Kuei visited a while ago he told me he thought his life back in Ba Sing Se was in danger."

Tapeesa's suspicions were confirmed. By the looks on everyone's faces, though, they hadn't known. Toph leaned forward.

"He is in danger how?"

"Nobles want to kill him and take over his position. He told me he had suspicions of that and he couldn't completely trust the Dai Li because they had betrayed him in the past."

"The fact he still has Dai Li guard him is a great fault," Sokka frowned, "he could have had Kyoshi warriors instead."

"I don't think he would trust them either," Suki murmured with a brief shake of her head. She turned back to Aang. "He asked for you then?"

"He said he needed my help," he nodded, "he insisted on returning to Ba Sing Se on his own and should he be in danger, he would send me a letter to ask me to come to his aid. He sent me a letter a few hours ago asking for help. I need to go."

"It could be a trap, Aang," Sokka frowned.

Tapeesa sent him a firm nod, "I thought so too."

Aang frowned, "Why would he-"

"Not Kuei, Aang," Toph cut him off, "they could have forged the letter. Think, with you in Ba Sing Se they can kill you and then kill Kuei, he is not that much of an obstacle anyway. You can't go on your own. Tapeesa-"

"I can leave whenever he does."

"No," Aang pursed his lips, turned to Tapeesa. "You are not getting involved in this again. I was the one almost agreeing to walk into a trap. I'm not getting you with me."

"Good thing I am not asking, then," she raised an eyebrow at him. "I'm coming no matter what."

Aang's distress grew, "I can't be responsible for-"

"You won't be responsible for anything," she interrupted him, her brows furrowing. "Aang, it's me. You know me. When have I ever slowed you down?"

Defeated, Aang looked away. "I just don't want to be responsible for anything that might happen to you."

"Nothing is going to happen to her," Toph insisted, her certainty bringing Tapeesa the confidence to nod in return. "She is strong, a great bender, a great fighter. You need that kind of ally by your side, Aang."

"We all agree," Sokka tried, "we can't let you go on your own. The risk of you running into a trap is too high."

"You have done it before," Suki pointed out, "Tapeesa was there. This time will be no different."

Aang frowned, shook his head with a small sigh. Tapeesa could find no other means to comfort him but place her hand on his beneath the table. After a beat, he intertwined their fingers.

"Fine," he allowed, raised his head to face Tapeesa. "We are leaving in an hour."

She sent him a firm nod.

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