15. New Territory

Start from the beginning

My eyes shot wide opened and I hoped Chia and Sophie wouldn’t get what Gao Seng implied. But I had no luck, Chia is too smart and didn’t miss a beat, “What do you mean? Luna writes, but why would she write about the thing that happened between her and Bee?”

“Nothing. She meant nothing,” I tried to settle it.

Gao Seng looks towards Chia, “You mean you don’t know.” Next she looks to me, “You didn’t tell them?”

Chia looks to me, “Tell us what?”

“It’s nothing.”

“Then it won’t be a big deal to tell us. We’ve known each other for almost a year now,” Chia started out saying. But as she continued, she slowed down and turned her thought around, “If you don’t want to, I can understand. You shouldn’t feel pressured.”

And I already knew it was time to share another secret. “It’s no big deal. Nothing to be fussy over. It’s just that I tend to be quiet about these type of things. My blog, and my story I write for it, they are my stories. I am Cari.”

“Cari’s story is your past?” Chia asks.

“You had an Adam in your life?” Sophie said at the same time.

I sighed, and started to tell them, “It happened such a long time ago. Adam was my first and last boyfriend. I’m sure he doesn’t even know I turned everything we did together into a story. I haven’t seen him since.”

“Wow,” Sophie said, “Everything I knew was a lie.”

“No, Sophie. I never lied about anything. I’m surprise you didn’t catch on sooner. With the story progressing, it is starting to show who I really am in the story.”

“I know. I kept telling myself it wasn’t you. It couldn’t be you. Why would you write about yourself like that? I can’t believe it really was you.”

“I’m sorry. I tend to not tell anybody anything,” I said.

“It’s true,” Tina said, “Luna doesn’t talk to anyone about anything. We learnt through her story of what was going on.”

“Writing was my way of getting my feelings out. I wrote out of stress and soon enough I had people wanting to know what happened next.”

"Honestly, it's fine," Chia said, "I knew already. I'm just a little upset it took this long to tell us personally."

"What? You knew?" I asked in shock.

"Bee told me. We weren't sure if you wanted me to know, so I haven't brought it up."

Sophie is more shocked now, "Even Bee knew before me?"

“Yea,” I nodded, “He does. I told him the first time we meet. I married the guy, he might as well know what he was getting into. When did Bee tell you?”

“He was angry. Around the time when you posted about Adam not coming to get you?” Chia said.

“He was angry? When we talked about it, he didn’t seem that mad,” I replied.

“I’m sure he was faking it. Cause when I saw him, he was ready to pound the guy. Gabe and I had to talk some sense into him. I was confused since I thought Adam was just character, he told me I wouldn’t understand. And when I wouldn't leave him alone about it, he told me.”

"Do you think I should talk to him about it?"

"What do you feel is right to do? It's time you guys figure out your issues together."

"Yeah. I know."


"Luna, " a quiet voice beckoned me awake. "Luna."

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