chapter fourteen | hot chocolate

Começar do início

Then the man returns with vengeance. A pair of hands grab my body and I let out a shriek. My body jerks backward and I fight violently against the man's hands. "GET AWAY FROM ME!" I scream, trying to kick at him.

"Finley! Finley, stop it's me!"

My scream dies in my throat and I look up, only to be blinded by the falling rain. I blink away the water and squint into the darkness, realizing I am staring at Hobi. He came. He's here with me. 

He drops to his knees, the wet gravel crunching from his weight, and his hands snake behind me to find my tied wrists. He is breathing from sprinting but he moves quickly. With a sharp yank, the ropes snap and briefly hurt my wrists from the force but I don't care. I launch into his arm, almost knocking him back, and tightly wrap my arms around his neck unable to fight back the tears again.

"You came," I sob, pressing my head down into his shoulder. He smells like the restaurant and fresh rain. There are traces of spicy seasoning on his clothes with faint notes of alcohol I can't name. He feels so warm. His skin is soft to touch, to hold in my arms... I fear I may never let him go. 

He saved me from a fate worse than death.

"Are you alright?" he asks hurriedly, holding me so tightly. He attempts to pull away but I fight to keep him pressed against me. I don't want him to go. I have never felt so dependent on somebody before. He makes me feel safe, he makes me feel comfortable. I want to hold onto that feeling for just a moment longer.

"I'm okay now," I answer weakly, sniffling loudly.

Hobi looks over his shoulder, his chin brushing past my arm. "Namjoon and Yoongi are here," he explains, "they are taking care of it."

I nod stiffly and continue to cling to his body like a koala bear.

Behind Hobi, I watch as the shadows of the three men dance in a deadly battle. An occasional flash of lightning illuminates the fight of their hulking bodies, clawing and lunging for each other with... I blink rapidly, stunned with confusion, as their bodies don't line up with... human figures.

What's going on? What am I watching?

"Hobi?" I whisper shakily, "What is going on...?"

Hobi's arms tighten around me before he lifts me off the ground. He places his arms underneath my butt and hoists me up against him. He holds me with such ease and turns around so I can't see the fight anymore. "Yoongi and Namjoon have it handled. We're going to the car," he says quickly, "just hold onto me."

"But the others!" I say, trying to look behind me again. What is going on over there? "Are the police coming? Hobi, that man is huge, he's going to hurt them--"

Hobi hushes me gently as he starts trying to run with me in his arms. He is struggling but it isn't enough to stop him. "They can handle him. Everything is under control, just breathe."


A low howl cuts me off. I crane my head to look behind me just as the lightning flashes across the trainyard.

My jaw slacks as the violent scene flickers in the darkness.

Two large wolves circle the large man with teeth bared and hackles raised. The fur on the ridge of their spines is standing straight up despite the pouring rain. They walk in terrifying unison as they encircle the man in their deadly trap, snapping their jaws and growling.

My fingers dig into Hob's shoulders as my heart jumps up into my throat. I jerk backward and nearly fall out of his arms, "Hobi, run!" I urge, panicking at the sight of the wolves. They are focused on the man for now, but they won't be for much longer! "Hobi, you need to run!"

radiant | jung hoseok | ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora