I look down at the sand, hating that my little sister is wiser than I am, but also incredibly proud.

"We could resent her forever, or we could lay this to rest here today and move on with our lives. I think we should make a vow right here and now. For you, and me, and you, Josie." Rylie smiles, swiping away a tear. "That we will all fight our hardest to make our lives great. We will promise to live it to the fullest and never apologize."

Josie looks watery-eyed too, but she smiles at us both.

"That's beautiful, Rylie. Hudson, did you want to say anything?"

"Just that... I will be better." I shuffle on my feet, feeling vulnerable in front of Josie, but wanting to lay all my baggage down today and try to leave it behind. "I will be better than my mom and dad. If I ever get married, I'll be good to my wife. When I have kids one day, I'll love the shit out of them. I'll make the life that I always envied. And Rylie, you're right. We need live. So, let's spread these ashes and then go do exactly that."

They both grin at me, and Josie stands back while Rylie and I begin to spread the ashes in the waves.

When we're done, I pull Rylie in for a hug, kissing the top of her head. She's crying, and I notice my leaky eyes as well.

I'm not grieving. There isn't anything to grieve really, I lost my mom long before she died.

It's more like tears of liberation. If things had to be this way, we will make the best of them.

We're free now.

Josie steps in, giving both of us hugs. Then, wordlessly, she grabs both of our hands and leads us off the beach.

I'm thankful for her support. I can tell Rylie likes her a lot, too, and it makes me happy.

We decide on grabbing dinner at a small seafood shack. I almost feel like a third wheel. Rylie and Josie are laughing together and playing games. I'm an outsider, but I don't mind.

Along with our food, I order us a round of drinks. I probably shouldn't be letting my baby sister drink, but she's with us and safe. I figure why not?

"Rylie, I need all the embarrassing stories about Hudson. Please and thank you."

"Oh, boy. How long are you planning on staying here?"

"Ooh." Josie smirks, winking at me. "I think I'm about to get the dirt on you."

"Let's see..." Rylie taps her finger to her chin. "Have you heard about the time he was arrested?"


"Fuck my life." I groan. "I wasn't arrested, Rylie!"

"You were put into handcuffs, stuffed into the back of a cop car and had to sit in a holding cell. What do you call that?"

"It didn't go on my record. I didn't even get a mugshot."

"Back up." Josie snickers, "I need the whole story."

"Basically, Hudson would shoplift from time to time. You know, got to do what you got to do. Well, he really wanted this guitar, but couldn't afford it. So, one day, he decided he'd just walk out of the store with it. Like, you can't stuff a guitar under your shirt. Obviously, you were going to get caught."

"I was fifteen!"

"They let him go, because I guess the store owner felt bad for us. They ended up telling the cops that there was a miscommunication and Hudson did pay. It was nice of them."

"Yep. I learned to play on a pity guitar."

"I love it. I didn't know I was hanging out with a criminal."

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