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Bennet looked at the body Infront of him as he contimplated what to do. He couldn't bring you to Monstad. You were too heavy for him and moving you could have worsened the wound you had.

He soon cried out about his luck damning himself for hurting you while he was out on his adventure.

Razor sighed. "Razor thinks Bennet needs to calm." He said simply. As he poked y/ns body with a stick questioning if they were dead since he didn't know how to check your pulse.

"Razor thinks we should take them to lupical!" He said with certainty in his voice as he turned to look up at Bennet

Bennet disagreed quickly as he shook his head. "No razor. . .! You said the wolves don't like strangers. If we take them to lupical they might get angry!" He said, razor groaned knowing Bennet was correct but he didn't want to give up.

Razor and Bennet contimplated their choices which wasn't much in the first place. But still could end up bad if they didn't so anything to help you.

Bennet then soon spoke. "razor. How about you rub some crushed wolf hook onto his wound. . ? We could try to bandage them after wards" he said.

It was the only thing he could think of since he remembered wolf hook had medicinal properties which could possibly stop the wound.

Razor nodded as he jumped up from his spot. "razor will be back with wolf hook! Bennet stay with stranger!" Razor spoke as he looked ran deeper into the forest to find where the wolf hook grew.

Bennet frowned and nodded as he waved a small bye to his friend and looked back at your body. He frowned as he soon squated next to you to check upon your body, checking for a pulse. While doing so he was continuing to damn his bad luck as it had hurt an innocent person.

Luckily you still had a pulse. But you were growing cold and quickly. Bennet frowned as he tried to think of ways on how to warm you up without leaving to get the supplies for it but he knew a fire wouldn't help since the rain would just out out the fire rather quickly.

He knew he could have used his pyro on your cold body. But he was worried he would accidently set your clothes on fire or hurt chance here will always be a chance He was worried since he knew with his luck there would be a chance it would happen

Instead, Bennet being desperate and not wanting you to die. He pulled you close. Letting you rest your head upon his lap as he gently tried to use his own warmth to keep you warm. It was a feeble attempt since he could barley cover your body with his own since you were much taller and bigger then him.

He knew your time was lbeing counted down and quickly. So he couldn't help but pray to his god barbatos. Wanting someone to come and help the kind stranger before he died and for his second prayer for razor to hurry up.

And razor did hurry up. With multiple wolf hook berries in arm. "Bennet! Razor is back with berry!" He said as he walked over to see Bennet crying due to guilt as he continued to try warm you up. With his own warmth and his pyro getting desperate

Razor frowned as he looked walked down and over and crushed the berries in his hands and rubbed it against the wound.

"Razor wants to say. Bennet this not your fault " he said. Bennet kept silent as razor spoke up again. "Razor saw small burny girl. Razor told fire girl to get help from Monstad. She agree and went to get eye patch man and bunny hat girl" he said.

IDENTITY- genshin impact X readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang