Me: nothing

Adrienne: okay, well you can always tell me anything, is Billie taking care of you?

I smiled when she asked remembering everything he had done for me,

Me: he… he’s been amazing

Adrienne: good, well am going to get off honey, I will ring later bye!

Me: okay, bye!

*End Of Call*

Billie was looking at me questioningly,

‘What did she say?’ he sounded suspicious,

‘She just asked if you were taking care of me’ I smiled

‘Ohhhh…’ he was waiting for what I had said back to her

‘I told her you was’ he smiled and looked relieved

‘hey so today I need to do some stuff…soooo I was wondering if you would be okay spending the day with Mike and Tre?’ I looked at him, I couldn’t help but think about what it was he had to do that we couldn’t come along,

‘That’s fine, I like being with them two’ I smiled and went to grab some clothes,

‘Cool, well get ready and I will take you over to Tre’s bus’ he smiled and I ran into the bathroom,

When we were ready Billie walked me over to Tre’s bus, were Tre had already opened the door just as Billie went to knock he looked really excited,

‘Grey! We get to spend the whhhhooooole day together! Its going to be….amazing’ he had the wildest look on his face, he said the ‘amazing’ in a whisper I couldn’t help but burst out laughing,

‘Mike?’ Billie shouted into the bus,

‘Yeah?’ I heard him yell from inside

‘Just make sure Tre doesn’t do anything too crazy!’ Tre looked down at Billie in shock

‘Well I never!’ Tre said acting hurt, Billie and Mike just laughed

‘I’ll keep an eye on them’ Mike replied

‘Okay, I am probably going to be most of the day, but I will bring stuff back so we can make a dinner for us all okay?’ Billie looked at me smiling,

‘sounds great!’ I replied before he nodded and began walking away,

I walked up the steps and Tre closed the door,

‘Grace, do you mind? I have to get a shower before we can begin our activities’ I couldn’t control my laughter Tre looked at me confused  as I realised he was actually being serious,

‘No that’s fine’ I giggled, he smiled and ran off to the bathroom,

Mike’s P.O.V

Oh god what does this day bring? I mean I could handle Grace she’s a little angel but when Tre and her get together… this should be fun!

Grace came over and sat next to me,

‘Been practicing?’ I asked referring to the bass

‘Yep! I think I’m going to be better then you’ she giggled,

‘Wow, well I would like to hear your skills, why don’t you go pass me my bass’ she smiled and ran over to grab the bass, and brought it back over and passed me it, as she passed it over her shirt sleeve rose a little and I saw a couple of sore looking scratch type shapes on her arm, I remembered when Billie had told me that Dan used to beat her, I couldn’t help but get choked up thinking about Grace been thrown about, being hit, being kicked by that bastard, I felt myself get angrier

‘Mike? Are you okay?’ I looked down to see Grace smiling up to me, I went to speak but realised if I did she would probably be able to hear my angry in my voice, I just smiled and nodded,

I passed her the bass and she began showing me a couple of things she had learnt, she was actually pretty good,

‘That’s great squirt’ I smiled, she smiled back and ran back to return the bass back to where she had taken it from originally

‘Where are we going after here?’ she asked as she jumped down next to me

‘Philadelphia, then were off to Paris’ her eyes grew wider

‘Paris!’ she gasped

‘mmmhmmm’ I smiled

‘But I don’t have a passport!’ she began to panic

‘Don’t worry were going to get you one’ I smiled, her grin grew and I could tell she was instantly excited

‘really? Wow!’ her smile stayed plastered across her face I couldn’t help but laugh at how excited she was,

‘Thanks Mike’ I looked down

‘What for?’ I questioned

‘Just for being so nice to me’ my heart melted, how could anyone have hurt her, I mean she the sweetest thing ever! I pulled her in for a hug.

so this isnt a very good chapter but will have a better one up in like 2 days, sorry thats its taken quite a while, dont forget to comment! thanks for reading :D 

A Sense Of Freedom (Green Day Fan Fic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora