17~ New home

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Y/n's POV

"Let's go home!" He grinned cheekily at me, clearly happy and cheerful as ever.

He stood up and lent me his hand, I accepted it. The palm of his hand felt smooth and soft while his fingertips felt rough and calloused, but it wasn't unpleasant somehow. My hand fitted perfectly in his.

He opened the door for me with his ever present grinning face. I looked around the little room that came to be my comfort, my nest. I would've taken it in longer but soon turned to leave out of self pressure as Diavolo stood at the door.

We soon made it outside and I had to shade my eyes from the sun, as it stared down at the earth. To my surprise, infront of the hotel, stood a long, shiny, black limo. I could see Lucifer's troublemaker brother, Mammon, practically drooling at the sight of the expensive car, with money signs reflecting clearly in his eyes.

Soon, we all piled in and sat comfortably in the limo, with Simeon on my left and Beel on my right. Barbatos was at the wheel.

I grew quite fond of both the brunette and the ginger haired boy, and they both seemed to like my company too.

After we dropped the Angels plus Solomon and the Demon Brothers, it was just me, Diavolo and Barbatos left. We sat in a comfortable silence for the rest of the ride. I was tired from the talking and the travelling. It was farther that I'd ever gone.

I leant my head against the window, trying to calm my growing nerves about my new life. Trying to picture what it would be like and how it would be different from my old way of living in extravagant mansions. Through those thoughts didn't last long as I soon spotted the largest building I had ever seen. A castle. With grey stone and slate roofs. Giants spires and peeks touched the sky. Grant long, thin windows lined the main part of the castle.

"Welcome home, Y/n." Diavolo spoke suddenly. I couldn't reply, as I was in too much awe of what was infront of me.

Barbatos pulled up at the entrance and opened Diavolo and I's doors. I still didn't speak. What could I say?

Soon enough, the enormous doors were opened and my tour of my home began.

Several hours and rooms later, Diavolo showed me to my very own room. It was more that I could've dreamt of.

(A/N: Change the purple to favourite colour if desired as well as room design

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

(A/N: Change the purple to favourite colour if desired as well as room design. If you imaged something different please feel free to use it. This just gives me a chance to describe the room, and generally helps with the story!😄)

"Sooo, what do you think?" Diavolo asked, slightly worried by my silence. "Uh, Y/n?"

"It's....." I felt almost breathless, "It's gorgeous, Diavolo!" I managed to finally say while turning around to look at the golden-eyed male. "Thank you so much." I bowed slightly.

Diavolo chuckled and opened his arms. I didn't know what he was doing as he stepped a little closer to me. "Gimme a hug!" He said after a short spurt of silence from my end. I nodded and copied his actions. Soon enough, we were hugging in a comfortable silence. I knew hugging existed and had ask for one once back in Ariner but it felt strange and was alien to me really. But was extremely comforting and relaxing.

After a few minutes of just standing there, in each others embraces, we heard someone clearing their throat. It was Barbatos. "My lord, I don't mean to interrupt but dinner is ready."

Diavolo let out a shy little laugh as we stopped hugging. "We'll be right down, thank you Barbatos." The butler bowed and left. "Shall we?" Diavolo smiled at me, I returned the smile and nodded.

I entered the long dinning room and seated myself. In no time at all Barbatos entered with a tray full of starters. Something, again, I wasn't used to. As I saw him leave with the empty stray, a pang of guilt hit me. I felt as though I should be the one serving others instead of me just putting my feet up. But at the same time, I didn't want to make a fuss and be difficult to either Diavolo or Barbatos, so I stayed quite.

Dinner went by calmly, chatting with Diavolo. Well, Diavolo more just giving me an insight to the castle's history. I mostly just nodded and continued to look engaged.

Afterwards, I felt too full. That meal was larger then I had had in a long time. Still, I dragged myself up the stairs to my room and bid Diavolo goodnight.

Normally, I would look around the room to see what was where. But I could feel my legs on the verge of collapsing, so I just flopped onto the bed and fell asleep within minutes.


Yeah, uh, I took my time doing this chapter •_•"

Someone close to me needed a fair bit mental support so I wanted to be there for them. Hope you guys can understand. :)

Also, 4.5k reads!!! Whaaat. How?!?! Thank you all so much!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter and have a great day/night! <3

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⏰ Última atualização: Jul 23, 2021 ⏰

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