16~ Those words

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No one's POV

Today was the day that the big group was going to head back to Devildom. The brothers were chaotic and arguing about what-not. Simeon, Solomon and Luke packed quietly with the occasional moment of panic when they couldn't find some belonging. Barbatos had somehow packed his and Diavolo's bags before morning. The redheaded demon was still confused about the whole ordeal.

Y/n did not have any belongings to take with her, but decided to take her blindfold to her new home. Why she thought this, she did not know.

She made the bed immaculately and did her best to make sure the room was in tip-top shape before her final exit from this hell hole. No pun intended.

Afterwards, she sat on her windowsill and watched as the sun beat down on the cobble streets and on the many merchants in amongst their stalls, desperate for fortune. Y/n's mind began to wonder off into her memories of being here. All those nights that felt like the worst, only for the next to feel even worse. That constant helpless emotion that she'd become so used to feeling. Hearing the cries and silent prayers of those around her in that blasted warehouse. The humiliation of some of the orders her previous owners had given to her.

Soon she decided that she should think about more positive things. Like what her room would look like or how often she would see Diavolo around the castle. He is demon royalty so she could imagine him being quite busy. But hopefully she could talk with him during the evenings.

Then a thought came to her mind, does Diavolo have a partner? And if so, would he or she be ok with Y/n in the same home as him or her? Y/n could see that Diavolo probably DID have a relationship with someone. He has the looks and the attitude that Y/n suspected most people liked. But then again, Diavolo is, from what Y/n had seen, a reliable person as well as an intelligent one so there shouldn't be anything that she should worry about.

A knock on the door was heard. She hesitated, afraid of who was the other side of the door. Another knock and a faint "can I come in?" could be heard. It was Diavolo's voice. Y/n opened the door a crack and immediately spotted the redhead smiling gently back at her.

"Is it ok if I come in for a second?" He asked politely. She nodded.

"Y/n," he started as he sat on the windowsill, patting the spot next to him. She pearched next to him. "I've noticed that you seem to be more and more anxious when someone comes the door to this room. I believe it might have something to do with the incident with Marie a few days ago. I can understand that you could be a bit freaked out now and might worry that she or her brothers will come back for you. And I want you to know that, I will always be here for you, and I swear that nothing and no one will ever harm you in any way ever again. You've made me the promise that you'll tell me if anything is bothering you so this one is mine."

Those words. They felt different to other sentences or words. Like there were a hundred other words behind them. The warmth inside each letter. The feeling behind the audible sound. The passion in the tone. Y/n felt that she should write them down so that even time could not change the feeling those words brought to her. The words. Those words.

Y/n looked up at Diavolo, she had never been promised something before. If felt nice? Like he was giving her something to hold onto. She again wondered if his words were genuine. They seemed so inviting, but are they true? Trickery and betrayal are some of the most bitter emotions. The kind people will try to avoid at all costs. Y/n didn't want to be tricked. But she nodded and thanked him for his kind words. He grinned back.

"Then let's go home!"

Ok, so I know this chapter is short but I'd rather do a separate chapter of the arrival in Devildom then carry on here. Sorry for the pause, got a lot going on in my life, nothing bad, just ridiculously busy.

Also thank you for 2.77k reads! It means a lot and is support in itself that I'm doing ok for my first proper fanfic lol. I also love reading the comments you guys put, it always put a smile on my face and is always one the highlights of a day! So again, thank you! Keep being awesome and stay safe!

Have a lovely day/night <3

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