15~ A promise and a surprise

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Y/n's POV

I caught up with Satan as he rounded another corner. He acknowledged my presence with a nod.

For the rest of the afternoon, I helped him search for those books. It turned out that the books were scattered in amongst his own collection on a shelf in his room. I never said anything but could tell that Satan was embarrassed because of his outburst.

"Well, thank you Y/n. You've been a big help." Satan said once you both had recovered all the books.

"No worries Satan, glad I could help." I responded. "I think I must head back to my room though." I added, 'who knows where Maria or the other men are- Mark and Stanley was it? I don't want to have to meet them too... I really shouldn't be out if my room anyways, and I feel guilty for breaking my side of the promise.'

"Wait," Satan exclaimed as I was making my way back. I paused. "Why did you say that you only just met Lucifer while with that other woman? I thought you both met each other before he introduced you to my brothers and I."

"It's a long story, but yes, I do already know Lucifer. It's nothing to worry about honestly." I replied, internally cringing at just how long the story was.

"Alright, thanks again." He smiled.

I nodded and turned to walk away.

No one's POV

As you came back onto your corridor, Maria was no where to be seen. Thankfully. You relaxed slightly. Though it didn't last long as you heard quick footsteps approaching you.

Before you could fully unlock the door, a figure appears. Your heart rate goes up. Adrenaline pumps through your veins. The icy grip of fear reclaims you as the looming threat nears you. Now you can hear the blood in your ears, pounding. You begin to press up against the door and wall behind you. Shutting your eyes, while shaking.

Only then did you hear his voice, in the middle of you sudden panic, his voice calmed you. Slowly you began to reopen your eyes. You recognised the figure now. It was Diavolo. With a very worried expression.

"Y/n, are you ok? It's just me, Diavolo." He said.

You had to swallow a lump that had formed in your throat, "y-yeah, just a little tired is all..."

You were now desperately trying to get your body to calm down. Unsure of why you went into a panic in the first place.

"If you're sure... I came down to make sure that you'd come back from helping Satan safe and well." He explained, backing away slightly to give you space. He was utterly confused as to what just happened but wasn't going to push you to say. "How was it? Helping Satan find... um.... books was it?"

You body finally began to release the tension in your body. "Yeah, he needed help finding books that he had... misplaced." You said, recalling how he was ready to lash out at Lucifer earlier.

"Alright then, let's get you back inside the room, we can talk more in there." Diavolo smiled.

Diavolo's POV

When we went into the room, I told y/n that the group was going to head back for Devildom tomorrow afternoon.

"Is that ok with you?" I asked, wanting to make sure that she was ready to leave all that she knew behind.

She looked a little shocked at me, I presume because she still isn't used to being asked for her opinion, poor girl. Y/n replied "Yes, I am ready. Is there anyway I can help with packing?"

"No, everything is fine. Please get some rest, from what Lucifer said happened I think you probably need it. Speaking of, are you OK from that?"

"It was..... fine. I told Maria that my name was f/n rather than y/n."

"Alright, I'll try to remember that. Good thinking by the way!" I gave her a thumbs up.

She nodded as a 'thanks' in response.

I paused, in thought for a moment, "Y/n, please know that I'm always here if anything goes wrong or you want someone to talk to about anything, ok?" I added.

"A-alright, I'll try...."

"No, please promise me you will." I said while collecting her hands in mine as we sat together on the edge of the bed. "Please?"

She looked at me with those stunning eyes and nodded with a smile. A smile. Her smile. "Ok, I promise you, Diavolo."

I grinned back, "Well, I'll be getting to my room now. Rest well, Y/n." As I made my way to the door.

"You too, Diavolo." She responded.

I did one final wave and closed the door behind me quietly. I then turned down the hall, making my way to my own room.

As I approached my destination, a tanned male with blonde hair came into my sights. We made eye contact and he visibly smirked.

"Well, if it isn't the Future King of Devildom, Lord Diavolo. I'm Mark." He said while pointing to himself with his thumb. "What business would THE Lord Diavolo have in a place like Ariner?"

I scanned him for a second, something about the way he presented himself seemed odd. It feels like I shouldn't trust him.... but why?

All of a sudden, Barbatos came around the corner, eyes landing on this 'Mark' person; then back up to me. He held very little expression but there was a slight ''what's going on here?'' look about him.

Mark saw my eyes off of him and at someone behind him, he turned and saw Barbatos. He frowned and shoved his hands in his pockets, and began to walk past the butler.

"I believe that if my sources are correct, you and I, Lord Diavolo, will meet again." He practically shouted back. "And tell f/n I said 'hi'."

My stomach dropped, how does he know about her and that I know her.

But he kept walking away, chuckling to himself.

Yes, we end with another cliffhanger, aren't I just oh so nice to y'all?

Btw the image at the top is my own, edited with PicsArt. :)

Have a brilliant day/night! <3

☁︎Bɪʀᴅ Cᴀɢᴇ☁︎| 𝐷𝑖𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑜 𝑥 𝐹𝑒𝑚! 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now