Chapter Thirty One

Start from the beginning

"Don't please, don't. You know how much I've worked just for one day to take over and now you're telling me I can still do it but I have to have a partner for it!" I snap at her she doesn't say anything in return so I take that as my cue to leave. It's like she doesn't care about my happiness or anything with me really. Once I get in my drivers car someone else jumps in.

"Mathias please leave I want to be alone" I tell him but instead of getting off he tells the driver to go on and drive. "Lin this would be good for us and the company" he starts.

"Mathias you out of everyone in the world other than Nico know how much I have worked to run my parents companies I got into classes that were way to advanced for freshman me but I still managed because I knew that it will all pay off at the end I thought that if freshmen me took college level classes my mom would finally realise how badly I want it she would see how much im doing just so I can one day sit in that black chair she sits in for hours and finally think 'I made it' but she doesn't understand she never did she thinks im some puppet that needs to be controlled at all time. she thinks im not good enough. can you believe that? a mom out of all people, someone that has to believe in you from the beginning and if you fail or mess up once they tell you that it's okay and you have to keep going but instead she pushes me down like I won't ever make it" I ramble on.

He doesn't say anything but listens something that no one not even him ever did but now he's sitting here listening to me. Me! out of all people, he hates me more than anything.

I notice that we aren't driving anymore and that the driver isn't in his seat either instead he's out on the coffee shop sitting.

"But this isn't even about that because I know that no matter what im gonna take over I don't mind sharing sponsors or allies with you, it's her that I mind it's the fact that she cant even ask my opinion on things she can't tell me or explain why she did it but she doesn't have to anymore I know that she cares more about the money than her own children it's always been like that I don't expect her to change any time soon or ever really" He shifts over so he's closer and begins to speak but then stops.

"From all the years I have known you're parents they have always given the perfect parents image- I laugh- You know I used to be jealous of you about that" I furrow my eyebrows in confusion for him to explain further.

"I used to see how you're parents loved you and your brother the way they would love each other. My parents aren't the most perfect people but they never looked at each other the way your parents did which made me wonder how it would be to have loving parents. Or the perfect life. You guys made an image for yourselves, them the loving parents nico the hot son and you the perfect princess with no flaws, perfect grades, perfect body and face, the absolute perfect daughter that's why I teased you so much." He shrugs

"Why though you're parents seem good?" I ask "They are, honestly the best parents I could ask yes they can be assholes at time when it comes to business but they always have a good intention behind everything but they aren't very affectionate people to each other at least in front of everyone even me which made me kind of think that they don't love each other like you're parents did I thought that the way you're parents were that, that's how it was supposed to be"

"You were jealous of me when it was the other way around for me" he gives me a look "really" He says in a shocked tone, I nod in response.

"Yeah my parents were far from loveable to each other they would fight all day and all night well my mom to my dad, my dad would treat my mom like a queen which I guess he was really in love with her but I don't know if the feelings were reciprocal with her she would ignore everyone when they would come back from work she would yell at the staff for doing the slightest thing wrong my dad was the calm one at times but he was exactly the same sometimes he would yell after my mom or he would get so drunk to the point he wouldn't be himself, we would get so scared of him we used to hide in my room but not always or hell know where we were. There was this one day where he and mom had a fight at work and he went to a bar before coming home we memorized the difference in his footsteps when he would walk and that night I guess we were too loud to close the door in nicos room that he heard us." I clear my throat.

"He went up the stairs to the last floor which is only nico's and I floor and I don't think theyre was a single day where they actually went up so he knocked on nicos door it wasn't hard at first but then he became more violent that he threw his beer he had in hand. We heard the smash so we thought he got hurt and me being a daddy's girl who thinks her dad would never hurt her I opened the door even though nico kept telling me not to but I didn't care I opened it and the first thing I got was a slap and I've never been put a hand on so I was absolutely shocked nico was too that he got out to defend me but instead of him getting a slap my dad dragged him through the stairs with curse words going around all you can hear going around was my cries for him to stop he just kept pushing me down so I wouldn't follow." I got goosebumps from reliving that night.

"Did your mom ever find out is that why he left?"I shake my head no. "She did find out but that wasn't the reason. After that night he sobered up and apologized to us with gifts we each got our own jets" I laugh "Can you believe that but my mom didn't really care I guess he just said to cover up the bruises with makeup and that's when I realised that he hit her too that's when the pieces started to match up that's why they always fight down stairs that's why we would always hear objects shattering that why I saw my mom put makeup on her arms"

"That's the reason you always got scared when I would yell when we were together?" I nod "Fuck. Im sorry lin" He apologizes. "No need, you didn't know" I reassure him.

"Sorry for asking but how many times did that happen?"I don't mind him asking or knowing mostly because I have no problem talking about it to mathias he's been in my life forever and I know he won't ever say anything to anyone. But if he did I would sue him until he's broke "the abuse?" He nods

"Nine months up until he left"I tell him and by Mathias body language he seems to be uncomfortable. "Is that all he did just abuse you both?" I lie and nod im not ready to tell the rest to him or anyone for that matter.

"We should go home" he sighs I nod again agreeing as he calls for the driver to come back.

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