Before You Go- Anxceit 💜💛

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Moonrise! Lewis Capaldi songs. This one fits this ship all too well. Kind of short but whatever. Tw: Angst, mention of Virgil leaving the Dark Sides/past breakup.

Remus looked around the dark Mindpalace. "Janus!" he shouted, hanging upside down off the couch. He sat up when he got no response. "Jaaaan!"

When he still got no response, he huffed and got off the couch, running down to Janus's room. "Janus! I'm bored, where are you?" He opened the door without warning and looked around. "Snake-face!"

Remus rolled his eyes and sunk out, going to the Imagination. There was mostly nature here, but there was a cabin in the less toxic part of the woods. He went in, looking around. "Janus!" he yelled. Remus heard noise from the hallway and followed. He saw one door slightly opened, and he pushed it open. Being Janus's place, it was well-maintained. Luckily, the door did not squeak.

Remus found Janus with his gloves off, gently playing notes on his piano. Remus leaned on the doorframe, about to jump in and shout, when he noticed Janus looked really sad. He hesitated and watched as Janus, teary-eyed, started singing quietly.

Janus never sang in front of people. Even the chaotic Remus could stop to listen, his voice was like dripping honey, smooth, thick, and sweet.

Janus closed his eyes, letting his hands move on their own. "I fell by the wayside, like everyone else~ I hate you, I hate you, I hate you but I was just kidding myself~" Remus was frozen by the song. And the pure emotion that Janus sang with, not holding anything back. "Our every moment, I start to replace~ 'Cause now that they're gone all I hear are the words that I needed to say~" he sang, hitting the chord change with a little more force than needed.

Janus bit his lip for a second and took a shaky breath, still keeping his voice level. "When you hurt under the surface~ Like troubled water running cold~ Well, time can heal but this won't~"

Remus swallowed. It reminded him of when Virgil left. Fighting between the three of them. Virgil distrusting Janus. Janus getting angry at Virgil. Remus only making things worse and worse.

"So, before you go~ Was there something I could've said~ To make your heart beat better?~ If only I'd have known you had a storm to weather~" Janus sang, louder and more powerful. The sadness and slight anger in his voice was scary. Remus wasn't used to Janus being this expressive. "So, before you go~ Was there something I could've said~ To make it all stop hurting?~ It kills me how your mind can make you feel so worthless~ So, before you go~"

Janus took another shaky breath as a couple of tears dripped down the right side of his face. Remus had been hurt by Virgil leaving, but he knew Janus was crushed when Virgil broke up with him. The two had never been the same, despite Janus trying his best to make amends, before giving up.

"Was never the right time, whenever you called~ Went little, by little, by little until there was nothing at all~" That was true. Even before Virgil left, they'd been falling apart. Until their big fight when Remus watched any connection they had burn. "Our every moment, I start to replay~ But all I can think about~ Is seeing that look on your face~

"When you hurt under the surface~ Like troubled water running cold~ Well, time can heal but this won't~"

Janus hit the chord change rather hard again, also singing louder, "So, before you go~ Was there something I could've said~ To make your heart beat better?~ If only I'd have known you had a storm to weather~"

Remus started tearing up at the memories that bubbled up, seeing Janus so vulnerable was scary. And they hadn't picked at that old scab in a while. Remus usually tried to eat it so it wouldn't bother them again, but it would always scab back over. An endless cycle of picking and eating a scab. "So, before you go~ Was there something I could've said~ To make it all stop hurting?~ It kills me how your mind can make you feel so worthless~ So, before you go~"

Janus's voice shook a bit now, adding to the surreal feeling of the moment. "Would we be better off by now~ If I'd let my walls come down?~ Maybe I guess we'll never know~ You know, you know~"

Remus knew Virgil had been struggling with so much. Janus knew. They didn't show they cared enough. Or in the right way. They didn't realize until it was too late. "Before you go~ Was there something I could've said~ To make your heart beat better?~ If only I'd have known you had a storm to weather~

"So, before you go~ Was there something I could've said~ To make it all stop hurting?~ It kills me how your mind can make you feel so worthless~"

Janus choked on a sob before he swallowed hard and whispered out the last line, "So, before you go~" He broke down then, covering his mouth and sobbing quietly.

Shorter than I wanted but there. Farewell, best of luck, avoid roasted cabbage, don't eat earwax, and look on the bright side of life!

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