Chapter 2

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Mingi's room was anything but special.

Sure, it was big. The queen-sized bed looked very comfortable, he had a closet, a desk with a fitting chair, big windows, a balcony, and a nightstand with a fancy-looking lamp on top. Beige, white, and golden colors dominated and it would be enough to stay a month. But in the end, it wasn't his home.

The brunette spent his morning unpacking his things, sorting the clothes in the closet, placing his laptop on the desk, and charging his phone. Soon, he just lay on the bouncy mattress and stared out of the window. The sun hid behind thick, greyish clouds and a slight breeze played with the trees and let silverish snow dance a playful waltz.

As soon as he got hungry, Mingi stood up and made his way down to the lobby to search for the dining room. The receptionist, Yeosang, kindly showed him the way. The actor was thankful that there weren't many guests in the hotel, just a sweet gay couple, two women and another male sitting on the many tables there. The brunette took a seat at the table next to the black-haired male and quickly grabbed the menu to choose his dinner. After what felt like ten minutes, a red-haired guy named Jongho entered, dressed in comfortable jeans, a white sweater, and a black apron with a cute little ribbon. He noted the order of every dish down and wasn't even surprised as Mingi ordered lobster in oyster compote but please without the oyster compote.

The black-haired guy started giggling as he heard the order, it was an adorable sound. Mingi shyly looked at him and grinned, to his joy the other boy smiled at him too. The couple and the two women didn't seem to get the joke and just stared at them weirdly which made the two just laugh harder. It felt oddly nice, having this little secret with the ravenette. And soon, their food arrived and both started digging as semi-starved wolfs.

Mingi's lobster without oyster compote tasted heavenly, especially since Jongho brought him a salad and a few plates of side dishes with a little wink. The black-haired guy seemed to enjoy his food too, happily chewing on something which seemed like some kind of deer steak in red wine sauce.

After dinner, the actor ordered himself some red wine, grabbed his coat, and made his way outside to the backyard of the hotel. It was beautiful here; glittering snow covering everything like powdered sugar, glistening stars decorating the dark night sky beautifully, and a pale moon bathing everything in its silvery light.

Mingi could feel himself relax. He slowly strolled along the way, enjoying the loneliness he felt; no schedules, no humans, no stress, just nature, the night, and him.

Well, not just them.

There was another person in the yard, only a few meters behind him. He could feel the presence, hear the breathing, the steps. A cough made him turn around, eyes widening with surprise. It was the black-haired man with the deer in red wine sauce, now dressed in a long warm coat, holding a glass of white wine in his gloved long fingers:"Mind if  keep you some company on this lonely night?" The actor smiled and shook his head:"Go on. I'm Mingi." The other smiled:"I'm Yunho. What's in your glass?" Mingi lifted it to hold it in the moon's direction:"A red one. Château Duhart-Milon, 1996."

Yunho stepped closer. He was a bit taller than Mingi. The ravenette's handsome face showed a kind smile as he looked down:"Mind if I try it?" "Go on." Mingi expected him to take the glass, to try the wine with closed eyes but what happened instead was something entirely different.

A sweet kiss in the moonlight.

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