Chapter Twenty Seven: Beach Time pt.2

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The boy had been dumstruck. He covered his head to catch his breath. Izuku couldn't believe it.
In front of him is no other than Haruto Yanagi. The son of Hitachi Yanagi from back at the island. His chest tightened and he was sweating.

Disgrace emerged inside of him.

Ochaco observed this and held his face.

"Deku... I need you to listen to me. Ok?
We have to go back to the beach. Get back!
We don't want any trouble!"

Haruto chuckled with a gloomed face.

"Maybe you don't but I sure do. Look at him he can't even protect you. What a moron. I want to finish off what I started. If you get in my way well you'd be a bonus."

It had come to the point where his face.
Aimed directly toward the girl.

Ochaco glared her eyes in disgust.

He tried to touch her face and she slapped him.

"Their is more where that came from. So don't even try me you don't want to go there."

She positioned her fingers ready to fight.

Deku gripped her shoulders.

"Ochaco don't. This is my fight. Go back to the others where you are safe. I promise I'll be there. First I heave some unfinished business."

Memories from current events raced throughout the girls head. In those situations Deku was willing to give up everything for her. For all of them. She knew he'd do it again in a heart beat.

Which is why she couldn't be mad either.

But what about Deku? She had to do something to help him out. Ochaco had to make a stand. She couldn't bare to lose him. Not again. Therefore even if she had no idea. What will come in the next couple of minutes. She'd stay with him through everything.

"Deku, I'm not going to let them win. By taking you from me again. I don't want to just stand here and watch you risk yourself. This fight involves me too. So... I'm staying."

Ochaco stayed where she is unmoved.
In a confident standing posture.

This gave Izuku the motivation he needed.

Like always she's once again his light of hope.

He gave her a smile.

"Ochaco... Thank you. Let's do this! Smash!"

Izuku fired up OFA at 20 percent.

Greenish lightning flowed through its users body.

His fist met Haruto in the face.

Knocking him to the ground.

Blood dripped from his noise.

"Take this! Floating mediator storm!"

With the touch of her hands Ochaco positioned. Her hands together created her special move. Only instead of rocks she improvised shells. For a starter attack that left the man on the ground passed out.

Before either of the two could think. What to do next their bodies couldn't move. Even if they did it pained them to even try. Haruto's quirk was at work. The double on the ground disappeared. The real Haruto appeared behind them. Pinning Izuku to the ground squeezing the upper part of the boys neck.

"Always underestimating me. Unlike my father and my uncle I'm not that gullible. You can try and hurt me all you want. I'll send it back 10 times worse."

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