A small walk to old memories

Start from the beginning

"Shut the fuck up, how can you blame my father for your fucking revenge" he almost shouted at him

"I can't believe you were that stupid Saint that you think your father didn't see that pic, Hahahahahah...... just think twice how could your father only know about you and Anong and didn't have any idea about our viral pic..... Just think Saint"

"What pic..... what happened between you and Anong, can you tell me Saint" now my limit was cross and I seriously wanted to know what the actual fuck happened between them

"For your kind information Mr. boyfriend..... what's your name... oh ha Perth..... I was the very first kisser of your lovey dovey boyfriend and you will be shocked even more after knowing that the second kisser was none other than but Anong"

And that was the actual fuck..... Saint and Anong.... What? How? Why? When?

I looked at Saint and the temper of him was burst now and he punched him............ "Preed"

He touched the ground after that punch and I was not in the condition to help him to stand again somehow, he managed to stand up again.....

"You were not only the one who was in love, the other person also loved you, and he still does....." and he started crying and now Saint also became emotional....



Saint just kissed me, God I can't believe he really did kiss me..... it means he also love me, no... no how can it possible, maybe it was just the impulsive action..... God why did I leave him, what should I do now, he is messaging me now goddddd..... Breath in breath out Preed calm down first.....

I was just talking to myself and was on ninth cloud..... and my phone rang.....


"Hello, am I talking to Preed Saetang"

"Yes, I'm Preed Saetang, who's there"

"I'm the manager of Mr. Suppapong, he wants to talk to you, do you have sometimes?" I was surprised why he called me

"What happened sir?"

He asked me to meet me at his office and he said he was sending his driver so I prepared myself to meet him and I was totally unaware of the situation, when I entered his room, he was sitting on his chair, and his manager was standing near him, I greeted both of them and he offered me to take the seat, I was sitting in front of him in confusion, I asked him what happened and then his manger show his phone..... and after I saw the phone. The ground slipped under my feet, how is it possible..... he was showing me the pic of me and Saint kissing each other.....

I looked at him and he raised his eyebrow.....

"See kid I have no problem with you, but you have to stay away from my son, and that's why I asked you to meet me"

"B.... but sir.... Me and Saint are just friends, there is nothing like that between us....."

"Kiddo, I know my son he secretly likes you, that school is mine, and I always have an eye on my son whatever is he doing and with whom he is spending his time, I don't know about your things or feeling I just don't care about it, but just stay away from my son, I already changed your school and if you really care about your father, Pls be an obedient son, otherwise he has to face the consequences....." he said arrogantly

"What the fuck, who the hell are you to force me to change my school, yeah you are right Saint likes me and I like him too, and I'll never leave him, do whatever you can do, I don't give a fuck to you" I was so angry

Then he looked at his manager and he nodded to him and called someone, and my phone rang it was my father, I received the call, and he was all scared I asked him what happened and he told me that "Hello Preed someone kidnapped me and your mom where are you? Are you alright na son, don't...." the phone cut....

"Dad.... Dad.... Dad.... Where are you?" I was crying and looked at him he was smiling

"I already knew, that you are so stubborn, so I was all prepared, now tell me what were you saying before"

"I'll do whatever you said but Plz....." I was crying and begging him and that arrogant bastard just smiling

"Before you'll reach your home your parents will be free" he said with same arrogant tone

And I stood up, and was about to left his room and he stopped me again

"Before you leave the school make sure my son hates you so much, coz if he ever tried to search you, you'll be in trouble again, so be a good boy and leave my son as soon as possible"

And I just nodded and left, when I reached home my parents were already there and they were horrified, my mother was so scared she hugged me tightly and cried a lot, they asked me how was I and I assured them, I'm fine.


Saint was continuously messaging me and I was just crying seeing his message, at first I thought I should tell him everything about his father but then I looked at my parents they were still in horror, so I took a deep breath and called one of my friend and he told me about Saint's viral photo and how Anong kissed him in front of school, and they are official now, and that broke my heart even in more pieces, I was not in the condition to face Saint with Anong, how can it is possible he loves me, I love him too.....

After some days Mr. Suppapong's manager again called me and told I have to leave school soon, and there is no other choice than agree with him.

Next day I went to school, and as I planned, I saw Anong with Saint and made them to follow him and said all the things which makes him to hate me to the death..... Yes, my first love of my life is now hating me..... but one thing was not happened as planned..... he slapped me..... that was unexpecting.....

I cried, cried a lot, locked myself in my room for some days, my parents got scared but I was hurt, and hate myself that I hurt my love my Saint the only person whom I have ever loved.

Days passed, I followed him with fake I'd and noticed ever single things of his life..... I was happy for him but hurt from the inside, I still love him.....



After hearing this Saint was crying hugging him, both are crying hugging each other, I was crying too but I was alone, just seeing them crying, of course they loved each other, but who am I now, I thought I was the third wheel between them, I was hurt too, but I had no one now, I felt like I have to leave them, and I left.....

Crying alone..... The scene of them crying hugging each other made me like I'm no one to deserve him..... they meant to be together, they loved each other, after so many years Saint still loves him, Preed still loves Saint, I was unable to walk further, my legs were trembling, I fell on the sand, and was crying in the dark, there was no one with me, the sound of waves haunting me, I felt like they were telling me "Leave them alone" 

I blocked my ears but the sound getting louder and I screamed....

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