Two Minds One Soul

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There are better things than a soulmate, Light has come to find. After nearly 18 years of solitude, the universe has rewarded him with something much more powerful.

Light finding a murderous notebook could not have happened at a more perfect time.

Though Light admits, at first he was fearful of the Death Note's power, but after realizing what he is cable of with it, he decides to use it for good. By killing people for the sake of helping other lives that is. The rules written in the Death Note were easy enough for anyone to use it, but only Light could use the notebook for righteousness, he is sure of it.

Initially, his curiosity made it so that he had to test out the Death Note to see if it truly worked, and in doing so he had already killed two people. It was shocking at first, Light had never killed anyone before, but that's when the idea to get rid of bad people using the Death Note struck him. The world is rotten, and only Light can see right through it. He will take on the burden of choosing who is truly worthy of life and who is deserving of death. It felt so natural, writing names in black ink on white paper, page after page, this is what Light was meant to do. He wasn't bad, he couldn't be. Not when he would devote his life to bettering the world in the greatest way he could.

It's Ryuk who reminds him that he is not special and that him being the first one on Earth to find the notebook was merely a coincidence. Light is still just a human with a notebook, nothing more, nothing less. Which is nothing new to Light, he is often called less than special for not having a soulmate already. So he has no problem dealing with a God Of Death.

"You will feel the fear and pain known only to those who use a Death Note."

The Shinigami croaked as he laughed, filling the room with an eerily echo. But Light had no reason unafraid, in fact he feels happy, for the first time in so long. If that's all it takes to use a Death Note then Light can handle that. It'll be his sacrifice he'll give to his new world. Even if he ends up losing his mind, even if he can't take it anymore, even he's alone forever till the day he dies, he will keep going. He's already dealt with a life of solitude. Light will dedicate his life to his new cause, his new world.

The next day Light sits at his desk staring at the white computer screen shining back at him. Kira, stemming from the English word Killer. Admittedly at first that name sounded foreign and strange to him, Light didn't himself as a killer, not exactly, he preferred a ruler of justice. After all, killers take lived without reason and he does not approve of murder for sport. But that's what the public has unanimity decided to call him and he would take the new title with gratitude. Light will make the name Kira strike fear in all criminals and hope in all that is righteous and good.

Things soon grow more interesting once the mysterious detective L makes contact with Light. Despite Light helping the police solve cases in the past and clashing with clever (though criminal) minds before, L quickly proves to Light to be more of a challenger than Light originally assumes.

It makes sense, without even seeing L, Light gets the feeling L is on the same intelligence level as he, he's never felt that way before. And it was like having their own secret language in a way. Light would test the notebook's abilities while also testing L, and L would respond immediately translating Light's messages to the Police Force with precise accuracy for Light to then decode from his father's account on their family computer. They speak without words, communicate with actions alone that only they are clever enough to understand. And Light knows that up till now things have merely been the first round.

Light was carefully planning his next move when he overheard Ryuk's cold laughter. Like the Shinigami knows something he doesn't but Light doesn't bother asking now. Usually Ryuk is quiet, besides his frequent apple chewing that Light is still learning to toon out so he can focus on important things like murder, and it's not like Ryuk talks to Light unless it's something along the lines of, "Buy more apples." Ryuk never shows any interest or motivation to help out or stop Light's plans. Which is fine, Light doesn't have the time to deal with anyone getting in his way.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2021 ⏰

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