Epilogue: Party to Remember! (Y/N)'s Promise

Start from the beginning

"Alright! I've always wanted to do this! Let's go!!" he then started surfing across the room, onto of his 'barrel board' giving a few people quite the scare. He was somehow able to stay balanced, and ram himself into the area where the carnovore demi-humans were, sending several food items flying. "Noooo!!! They were so innocent!" Fubuki said in sadness

"(Y/N) how could you?!" Shien said ready to use the worlds' greatest baseball bat, which he pulled out from no where. "I-i mean...its not so bad right? At least he didn't knock over everything..." Botan said calmly, though a bit of anger in her voice. "Don't worry about the food! What if he hurts himself! He won't be able to participate in the competition if he does!" Mio said trying to bring the male down, ultimately failing. "Woooo lets gooo!!" he yelled continuing to barrel surf, eventually he did lose his balance and fly forward, crashing into several members of Holostars, with a large grin on his face. The commotion caught Noel of guard, catching her attention as she looked towards their direction "Oh no...". Kanata saw this and to the opportunity to win, yelling in her mind "Now's my chance! Hraaa!" and started to push Noel's hand downwards, when the knight realized this...it was too late as she could only say "OH NO!" before her hand was slammed into the table, giving Kanata the win. 

"Alright! Good job Kanata-senpai!" Polka cheered on. "Man, I'm relieved...I really betted an arm and a leg on Kanata" Ina said, giggling at her own joke, (Y/N) could be laughing at this in the distance, getting up "Good one Ina", he put his hand up for a high five to which she complied with. "Wooo! Let me get a turn! I wanna do what (Y/N) just did!" a certain red haired zombie exclaimed, only for her gen mates to turn down the idea due to the fact she was wearing a skirt. 

"That isn't stopping someone else though" Amelia said, pointing towards Coco who was also barrel surfing, eventually leading to her crashing into the rest of gen 4, except for Kanata. "Too heavy nanora!". "Watame did nothing to deserve this..." she said slowly losing consciousness. As for Towa, well she was completely knocked out by this, her face directly underneath Coco's arm. The dragon was laughing as this happened and helped the rest up. 

A certain lioness would then walk up to (Y/N) and wrap an arm around his shoulder "Ne (Y/N), I haven't tried your cooking in a while! Why don't you cook me up so mutton! Besides you owe me for ruining my meal a while ago" she said this, whilst looking at Watame who was able to hear everything and hid behind Coco a bit scared. He chuckled and ruffled her hair "Sure I don't see why not, also I'm not cooking Watame for you"

she shrugged "Worth a try, though not gonna complain, I'll accept the Kure style cooking anytime!" she said. Out of nowhere a male voice yelled out "Hey (Y/N)!"

 The two turned their gazes only to see Shien, who was now barrel surfing as well, he reached his hand out "(Y/N) C'mon! Let's double team!" the male grinned and looked at him and grabbed onto Shien's hand and got on alongside Shien; the two smiling and laughing all the way. Everyone jumping out of their way, and everyone having smiles on their faces; even the managers and Yagoo laughing alongside the idols, all of them laughing the night away. 

Timeskip: Tokyo, 3rd Person POV

In the first floor of the main building of Cover Corp could be seen (Y/N) Kure, softly singing to himself as he got ready for the day "Got my wristbands on" as he said this he placed wrist bands onto each wrist "And my boots are tied" he'd then tie all the laces on his boots "Gonna grab my friends and defeat Purgatory" he then stood up and started to leave the building "Doot doo doo, today's fighting day" as he was about to leave a certain fox friendo would stop him "Hey friendo (Y/N)!~". The male grinned and turned around high fived Fubuki, with a grin on his face "Hello foxy friendo!" 

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