Baekhyun: You will kill him!

Chaneyol: Let me go! That bastard doesn't deserve to live-

The commander sighed.

Baekhyun: Incheon sighed a treaty with us because we made a deal that we won't kill any prisoners which belong to Incheon. Don't forget that they will too have some of our people in there dungeons.

Baekhyun let go Chaneyol as the King calmed himself.

???: East coast of Incheon.

The man finally talked after being tortured for a long time.

Chaneyol: What did you say?!

The King grabbed his hair and made spy look at him.

???: I-I saw her at the east coast of Incheon. There are rumors that she lives there with a fisherman's family.

Chaneyol furrowed his eyebrows and looked commander Baekhyun.

Chaneyol: Baekhyun! Send vice commander Namjoon to Incheon with some troops. I need him to search every pice of land on the coastal area until the wedding day.

Baekhyun: Yes. My lord!

Chaneyol: Baekhyun! He again called his commander making him turn back towards the King.

Chaneyol: I need you to keep watch on prince Jongin.

Baekhyun looked at the King for a while before nodding his head.

Chaneyol: Each and every person in this palace is hiding the truth. And all of it is related to Nayeon.

Seoul palace, kitchen

Lia: Why do you look so off today?

I looked at Lia and slightly smiled at her.

Lia: Is everything okey?

Y/N: Y-yeah.

The brown haired girl frowned.

Lia: You don't look fine to me.

I sighed.

Y/N: I have a friend and h-he's kind of angry with me.

She smirked.

Lia: A friend? Is he Jisung?

Y/N: Huh? Ummm... Someone like him. He is upset with me. And I want him to say sorry and make things right between us. How can I make things right?

Lia hummed while thinking of and idea.

Lia: You should do something he likes.

Y/N: Things he likes? But I don't know about them.

Lia: Then you should talk with him. That's the only solution.

I bit my lower lip as the guilt crawled in my heart again.

???: Hey, Y/N. One of the maids called me.

???: Go and take this lunch to the Kings chamber since he didn't have his lunch today.

Y/N: H-he didn't?

Inhyun: I'll go and give it to him.

Y/N: It's alright, Inhyun. I will go-

Inhyun: Commander Byun told me that from now on i will be serving the King as his personal maid.

Y/N: W-what?

Inhyun: Can you please shift you're things from you're room to the servants quarter?

Lia: Why did the King suddenly changed his personal maid?

Inhyun sighed.

Inhyun: Ask Y/N!

Inhyun left the kitchen leaving me and Lia dumbfounded.

Lia: What happened-

Y/N: Can I sleep in you're room, Lia?

Lia: Yeah. You're welcome any time.

I nodded my head and quickly left the kitchen, heading towards my previous room to take my things.


Y/N: He is so bad! I hate him! I said while packing my clothes in my small trunk.

My body froze when I looked at myself in the mirror and saw tear stains  on my cheeks. I wasn't like this before. Chaneyol changed me so much.

Y/N: I-I look like a fool! I will not apologize to him again. I am ready for the punishment whatever it is. I don't care even if it's an execution.

???: Go and bring me more wine!

I flinched at the Kings sudden voice coming from his room.

I quickly went out of my room band walked towards the King's room. I slightly opened the door revealing a scared, trembling Inhyun in front of the King. Inhyun turned around towards me, her teary eyes looking at me in fear. I looked at the angry King and noticed the broken bottle on the floor.

Inhyun: I am sorry, my lord. I-I will bring you another bottle.

The King glared at Inhyun and grabbed her arm in anger.

Chaneyol: Don't you know how much this wine cost-

Y/N: M-master, please let her go!

Chanyeol stopped his for a moment but his hand didn't let go from Inhyun's arm.

Y/N: I-I know you're angry at me. Don't take you're anger on her. I am the cause of you're anger. If you want to take you're frustration out take it on me. Don't punish innocent-

Chaneyol's glares ware still at Inhyun.

Chaneyol: Who told you to come in my room, Y/N?

It felt weird for him to call my name since he always called me dove.

Chaneyol moved away from Inhyun and eyed her to get out of his room. Inhyun quickly ran out from his room, leaving the two of us alone.

I closed the door and went near Chaneyol.

Y/N: I am sorry, Chaneyol. Just please don't hurt yourself. Please talk to me i don't want a silent treatment from you. I said, cupped his cheek and his dark gaze averted mu teary eyes.

Y/N: Don't hurt others and yourself because of me.

Chaneyol: Is it okey if I hurt you? Huh? He finally spoke with a husky voice.

A/N: Hey guy's I was wondering do you like reading smut since next chapter is gonna be a litte "spicy" and I was wondering if I should melt it down or not. Have a nice day hope you liked this chapter.

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