
"I do."

That 2 words that resonated through his ears snapped him back to reality. Standing right in front of his was a woman he barely know. The one should be standing there is Alexa. It's Alexa place.

"You may now kiss the bride." He looked down at the small figure in front of him and leaned down. Instead of kissing her on the lips like most groom will do he kissed her on the forehead. As soon as the ceremony ended he left not caring about the guest that might be wondering where's the groom. So the bride sat alone holding back her tears because she know that she's just a wedding replacement. Just a woman that was forced to be in this marriage.

He moved out with her far from there. He wanted a place alone. Far from everything and anything that can ignite the memories of him together with the person he love the most, Alexa. He became an alcoholic. He's rude to his wife. Even though they're married he never once touch her.

Day by day he lost himself in misery, longing for the woman named Alexa. He see her in every dream and her name is the only name that ever left his lips. But as people said time heals everything, he tried to forget her because he realizes no matter what he do nothing will happen. He's already married and his wife shouldn't have to go through that all because of him. She's just another victim to this arranged marriage.

So little by little he started to open his heart for the woman that he took as a wife. She's way too different than Alexa but it didn't took her long to melt his frozen heart. He finally fell in love with his wife.

"What's your name?" Is the beginning of another chapter in a book. He don't remember well because he didn't care at all in the beginning. But now he wanted to try and make it work. "Sara." She smiled and the butterflies in his stomach that he thought already dead went wild.

Soon they were blessed with a child. A healthy daughter named Miqaila. An addition to their small little family. They're indeed what people define as a 'perfect' family.

But have you ever heard? That happy ending is just another beginning of pain.. When he thought he was finally able to forget about Alexa, she came back into his life and the emotions he tried to keep lid broke free. He still.. Love her. It was only then he know that other than Miqaila he have another child with Alexa, a pair of twin that belongs to them.

The conflict started when he knew that Alexa suffered from an illness and her time is very limited. How can he ignore her when she's so sick? She raised their kids alone and she never got married. He wanted to help her as much as he can so he planned to go to her and take care of her before her time ended. And he's planning to take back his twin and live together with him.


"It's not like that Sara." I tried to explain but Sara was already crying. Her swollen eyes made my heart aches.

"It's fine. You can go. If you're planning to take them here then I'm leaving." Sara threatened with a slightly trembling voice.

"For God sakes Sara.. They are my child and Alexa is very sick now. I have to go look after them for awhile." I tried to convince her.

"Who knows. Maybe you'll change your mind and left Miqaila and me." She broke into tears and I pulled her into my embrace. Hugging her tight reassuring her that she's the only person I'll ever love till my very last breath. That she's the only person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with..

"I won't Sara. I love you. You know that don't you? I love Miqaila and I love our little family." I gently rubbed her back comforting her.

"I've been holding back for years Jason. Do you know how it feels being haunted by this annoying feelings? It's suffocating. I'm scared. There's millions questions running through my mind and one of them is what if you left?" Words that left her mouth made me hurted. I know she has been holding back her emotions for years ever since I met with Alexa again. I know she's worry  I have a change in heart but my heart won't change.. I love the two of them.  Even so she's the only person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.. Am I selfish?

Late that night I received a call from the twin telling me that Alexa is critical and she might be gone anytime. I rushed outside after telling Sara. Of course.. She don't want to let me go but I promised her that I'll be back. I will.. Even so it seems like she don't believe in me.

I left her behind hoping she'll understand me. And that night I lose not only a person I love.. But both. Alexa passed away before I reached her and Sara left because she can't bear the pain anymore. After that night I'm unable to reach her anymore.


He was planning to go back to Miqaila because he won't ever left her alone. She's the only treasure he have. His child is his most precious jewel on the earth. He drives back to their little home. Oh how he missed his daughter.

But little did he know since the very first moment he left the house he won't be able to see his daughter ever again. As cliche as any drama in the TV he was caught in an accident. There's no identification documents or so because he didn't bring it along when he left. He was sent to the hospital and when he woke up he lost everything.. He lost the peoples he love.. He lost himself.. And he lost his memory.. All he did was crying silently because he know he forgot about something important in his life. But he can't seem to remember it.. What it is he has forgotten?

Thanks For Reading  ~ Caramel ~ (。’▽’。)♡

A/n: Y'all can't blame him 😢
He's a keeper

He went through hard time too
I hate the ending because he don't deserve it. He's a very good and passionate father.

I hate the ending :')
He should at least remember her
(*cough cough* I'm actually planning to do the extended version and a sequel to this book but I'll see how it goes first.)

Comment and share your thoughts!

I'm planning to write about Miqaila's mother too in the next extra chapter!
I have to explain why she left that night..

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