chapter three

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It is now lunch time and I pack my bags to go to the cafeteria

I look at Eren who is currently sleeping on his desk.. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

I feel myself lost in his face as I continue to look at him. He is sooooooo handsome... *blushes* OMG NO!!! I shouldn't be falling for this bad boy, player, freedom guy... HE IS NOT MY TYPE🤬🤬🤬🤬

I roll my eyes and slam his homework i finished during class on the desk and he wakes up

"WTF BITCH!! HOW DARE YOU !!" he screams at me

"I FINISHED UR S-S-S-S-STUPID HOMEWORK!!" i scream back, crying because he screamed at me and being ungrateful 😭😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺🥺☹️☹️☹️😞😞😞☹️ #Sad

And then i leave the classroom

Eren looks at the homework.. blushing and he feels his heart fluttering.. there were soooooo many butterflies 🦋 in his stomach rn...

"Wtf... this girl did my homework really??? Omg.... why am i suddenly falling for her???"

I enter the cafeteria and everyone looks at me AGAIN !! ugh...... i want to disappear sooooo baddddddd #EMBARRASSED

i get my food and go to an empty table where NO ONE is.... #Lonely #Alone #Broken #AnitSocial

"Hey babygirllll, can i sit here with u??" a deep male voice says and I turn to see EREN

Wtf.... he wants to sit with me ??????

I nod my head. "ok.."

Eren sits down next to me and he slams his plate of food down. "Thanks for doing my homework. I really mean it baby girl." he smirks at me and I TURN REALLY REDDD

omg he is soooo HOTTTT

"Yeah.. you're welcome.. FREEDOM!!!"

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