"What the fuck are you doing here Jax."

"I caused this war, it's only fair that I be here and die fighting for the one thing I love more than fucking sex and that's this club."

I looked back at the guys and they all nodded their heads telling me to let him in, I nodded my head moving to the side and he took a seat on the couch. We were sitting there waiting for the sun to set, all of us getting anxious as hell wishing the time would go by a little bit faster, I stood there in Chibs arms.

"Guys, I know at some point throughout the night we're gonna have to separate and go into the woods for cover. I want to set a rule with that, no matter what no one goes alone, you have a partner, someone you wouldn't mind staying out in the woods with hiding from some sick ass bastards. We all need to have that figured out in our mind now, no matter what. I'll say this, Chibs and I stay together if were separated all we'll do is worry about each other and that will just get people killed alright."

They all nodded their heads before, I looked outside once more to see trucks and cars rolling up knowing that it was time, before we walked outside.

"Alright guys, let's kill some pricks."

The second we opened the door we were ambushed with gun fire, we all ducked back into the house. I grabbed the one survival pack we had, I followed the rest of the guys out the back door. I watched them split up into either partners or groups of three, the only person I saw go out on his own was Jax. I knew why he was doing that, he didn't think he deserved to live through this and we all knew it. Chibs, and I just kept running through the woods and at this moment I was thanking God and my dad that my dad had the sense to teach me how to survive for months out in the woods. I don't know how long Chibs and I ran but all we knew was that when we finally did stop we were in a cave, I sat down catching my breath looking up at Chibs.

"Did you see anyone get hurt right out the door?"

He shook his head.

"No, I think we all got away straight and good."


I looked at the entrance of the cave to see two of James' men coming straight for us, Chibs and I went further into the cave letting our eyes adjust. I pulled the knife out of my boot and waited for them to get close enough so I could slit their throats. When one finally did get close I reached out, putting my knife to his neck and sliding it across both of his carotid arteries, making him sink to the ground leaving blood on my hands. I picked up his gun only to have another gun shoved to the back of my head, I smirked to myself before taking my foot behind his leg tripping him and pulling the trigger on my gun, leaving brain matter on the cave wall. I looked at Chibs who was looking at me like I had grown two fucking heads.

"Where the fuck did you learn to do that?"

"My dad."

He shook his head and we walked back towards the entrance of the cave. We saw Tig and Phil coming towards us and I waved them in, they nodded their heads and ran into the cave seeing the two guys on the floor, they looked at Chibs.

"Nice job man."

"I didn't kill them."

I smiled and the two boys' jaws dropped to the cave floor, as they shook their heads, and I spoke.

"Hey do you guys know if we lost anyone."

"I think everyone is good."

"That's good, I'm glad."

~4 Hrs Later~

We have been in this cave for four hours and we have everyone back, I mean everyone except Jax who refuses to come in. He just stays outside watching for more of James's guys, I looked at the guys.

"How many have we killed so far?"

I asked and the only one that responded was Chibs.

"Well you've killed five yourself, and the rest of us have killed maybe two or three."

"Alright so that's maybe twenty, did anyone get a real good look at how many there were out there?"

Jax finally spoke.

"There were fifty men all together at the beginning, so we killed maybe twenty, there's about thirty men left out there."

"How the fuck do you know?"

"James sister, I was using her to get information on James so called 'army '.''

"Boys I think we made a mistake, Jax after this is all over if you want your cut back, it's yours."

He smiled before going back out to his watch, the next thing I know I hear Jax's gun go off like crazy. I looked up to see him back up into the cave and the rest of us moved back into the dark taking our position's. We killed about five more men during that round, Jax got two at the entrance and Chibs, Tig, and I each got one on the inside, at this rate this war will be over by morning. We've been in this damn cave fore twenty-four hours and it's starting to smell like dead people, like rotting fucking fat ass men, it honestly smells worse than fucking cow shit. The guys and I have killed about forty men which tells us that there's still ten out there. We've been just waiting for them to show the fuck up so we can get this shit over with. Chibs and I were laying down on the only clean part of the fucking cave until we heard Jax shout for Opie and I. I stood up with Chibs and the rest of the guys followed me out, but what I saw scared the shit out of me. There in front of me stood James holding Jewel in his arms with a small pocket knife in his hand, he had two men standing on either side of him. One man had Gemma, while the other had Sky, I saw Jax and Opie starting to freak out and I couldn't. I had to stay calm for them, I looked at James holding my gun behind my back knowing that I could shoot him without hitting Jewel, I just had to get a little closer, I looked at Opie and Jax.

"Let's go get our people back."

They nodded their heads and Chibs kissed my cheek before Jax, Opie and I stepped out of the cave, I looked at the men holding our girls. In one quick move I brought the gun out and put a bullet right between James eyes, I watched all three of the men fall to the ground at the same damn time. I ran over to pick up a crying Jewel rocking her back and forth in my arms until I heard another shot and felt a searing pain in my back. I sank to the ground and heard shots go off all around us, I handed Jewel to Sky, as Chibs came to my side lifting me from the ground and ran as fast as he could to my truck. He put me in the passenger seat before getting in the driver's seat and rushing me to the hospital, I looked at Chibs.

"Chibs, if I don't make it, make sure Jewel knows who I am, make sure she knows how much I love her. That everything that happened here in the past few days is because I love her. It's because I wanted her to be safe from the very thing that ruined me."

After that everything went black and the only thing I could hear was Chibs voice begging for me to stay awake.

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