~Kidnapped Again~

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~Ella's POV~

I woke up today with cuffs on my wrist in an abandoned warehouse only god knows where, this shit it really getting fucking old. After a while I began to get anxious, I started pulling and tugging at the cuffs trying to break free of their hold. I laid there struggling for a while till Marks finally showed up, he smirked at me.

"Don't worry gorgeous, your friends and your little boyfriend will come for you, and when they do they will watch me ravage you. They'll hear your screams and pleads for mercy, a mercy that will never come. When I'm done with you I'll slit your wrist and they'll watch you die a slow and painful death. Then when I'm done they will all die one by one till all that's left is your little boyfriend and he'll suffer the most."

He leaned down in my face.

"And I will love every second of it."

I did the only thing I could do, I spit in his face receiving a slap across the face. I looked at him not even flinching, not letting on how scared and worried I am for the guys and for my own life. Could this really be the end? Before I had the chance to live, to get married, to have children, before I ever got to go back to Jax and tell him how much I truly love him. Could this be my end?

~Jax POV~

It wasn't long after Chibs and Ella landed in Ireland that I got a call from Chibs saying that he did everything he could to save and protect Ella. It still wasn't enough, Marks got her, I looked at Opie, after getting off the phone with Chibs.

"Marks has Ella."

"Shit, what are we gonna do?"

"Call the guys, we're getting her back."

It didn't take long for the guys to show up at the shop, well except for Chibs who's still on a plane trying to get back. I welcomed them in, they all gave me a hug, and went to the entertainment room before beginning role call.

"Alright if your here simply say if your in or not, no fucking around, this girls is family and nothing happens to our family you got it?"

They all nodded their heads as I got started.

"Opie, Tig, Juice, y'all in?"

"Fuck yeah man."

I nodded my head and continued.

"Happy, Half-Sac, Rat?"

"Yeah, were in."

I continued.

"Philip, Rane, you in to?"

"All the way brother."

"Alright good..."

"Count me in."

I looked over to see Chibs standing there.

"I'm sorry brother, you trusted me and..."

"You tried man, that's the best we can do, I'm glad you're back."

He nodded his head and walked further into the room before turning around.

"I hope this is okay brother but I brought someone who might be able to help us, he knows Marks figured we could use him."

I looked at the door to see James standing there, he held up his hands in surrender.

"I'm not here to start trouble, I just want to help Ella, I love her Jax but she loves you so I just want to help get her back."

"Alright but if you touch her I'll leave you there to burn with Marks."

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