gashes pt 1 / chapter 8

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(Descriptive blood/gore, needles, guns etc, classic apex stuff, more so later on, and next chapter to!!)

I woke up in Octavios bed, he wasn't there though, he must have moved me at some point last night. I looked over to the alarm clock over on the nightstand, it was 9:48 am. The syringes next to the bed were gone. Guess he cleaned them up. I put on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. I fixed my hair up as nd let out a yawn as I walked to the bedroom door to open it. But heard Octavio shouting. I didn't open the door but listened.

"Leave! I told you I moved on," The voice obviously belonged to Octavio since it had the thick accent.

"Octavio, please," A female voice called, she also had a accent but it sounded to be French or something.

"Natalie I told you I like someone else!" Octavio was scary when he shouted, but this shouting still had care. "Listen, I don't like you like that anymore, I'll still be your friend but I love someone else,"

"Love.." Her voice dropped, I could here soft crying from her.

"Nat, we can still be friends, lo siento, I'm in love with someone else," He stopped shouting and became calm.

"As long as she makes you happy, and if she doesn't I'll be here waiting," I heard her cry a bit more before the door shut and I heard Octavio let out a sigh and walk twords my door. I quickly opened the door and looked at him, he seemed upset.

"Ah how much did you hear," He asked looking around and becoming jittery.

"Pretty much the whole thing," I said looking away.

"Sorry about that, Nat is, uhm, clingy to say the least, keeps coming back to me I've tried telling her I'm not into her anymore but she won't listen she's nice and all but I broke up with her for a reason," He ran his fingers in his hair and looked at me with soft eyes. "____, your different," He said.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused I slid my hands in my pockets.

"All my other girlfriends, there wasn't really anything good with them, I thought I had something with Nat but she became to clingy, you feel different, I don't think I could ever become bored of you or ever lose you," He took a pause. "Your better than the stim, I feel something with you, something I never felt with anyone," He looked down and grabbed my hand. "Your perfect, and I want you to stay here with me, I don't even know if you were thinking of leaving but I want you to stay with me, por favor," He looked at me in the eyes and noticed him get a bit teary eyed.

"I wasn't even thinking of leaving you Tavi," I said jumping up and giving him a hug, he held me tight. His hugs felt nice, they were warm and welcoming. The best way to describe it was a 'sunshine hug'.

"Thank you amiga," He hugged tighter. "I have to go now, I have to get ready for the games alright?" He said finally letting go.

"Alright you go and win!" I gave him a smile

"Oh breakfast is on the stove, thanks for the good luck wishes, see you later ____, maybe we can go out again tonight," He winked and headed out the door.

"Alrighty see you!" I said as the door shut behind him, I wondered if there would be a spot to watch him in the game, that way I could see it live.

I ate the breakfast he had prepared and headed outside to try and find out where the games were held. It had been about 30 minutes since he left. I walked around for a bit before a guy approached me.

"Hey there, you seem new around," His voice was raspy and he had a hood on, I already knew that either he just seemed threatening or he was threatening. Usually in a situation like this I would pull my pocket knife out and scare them but I didn't bring it with me outside, it was still in Octavios house.

"I am, what about it?" I said, trying my best to intimidate and show no fear, I crossed my arms and glared at the man.

"Your quite pretty," He said getting closer.

"Thanks but could you like, stay away," The man in fact did not stay away instead got closer. "I said back up," I glared at him more intense and stepped back a but incase he had a knife or some sort of weapon, of course Octavio wouldn't be here right now. I thought this place didn't have creeps.

"Oh sweetie, don't be that way I just want to," He reached his hand out closer to me and I punched him in the face, cutting him off and making him fall back. His nose was bleeding. Thick red blood dripped down onto the ground making plopping sounds. "You little bitch," He went to grab me but I started running. I didn't know where I was going but he followed me. It seemed like I was running for an hour but it was only 15 minutes, which I guess was pretty long to be sprinting I eventually got into a safe place and he just stared at me. He didn't come closer, in fact he had a face of terror. He sprinted off and I continued in the direction I was going to find a building or something. There was a few trees around and some mountains. I heard gun shots in the distance.

Perhaps that's Octavio. I thought. I carefully went around the mountains and finally saw buildings I ran twords them in hope they would reveal a way back to Octavio's place. I carefully walked up to them but didn't see any people. I heard more gun shots however. Maybe I was getting closer to the range they were in. Octavio didn't explain where the games were held, so maybe they were around where I was. Suddenly I heard a gunshot almost right next to me, then a brawl started to happen between two people, bullets started going everywhere, some almost hit me.

"Ahah I got you-" I heard Octavio say before stopping mid sentence starting me. "____? What the hell are you doing here?! You could get killed!" He shouted at me, he grabbed my arm and threw me behind a bush which scratched me from the branches. I realized I wasn't near the games I was in the games. I saw Octavio shoot a few shots at someone. He told me you could get revived and stuff in the game so why couldn't I?

Someone started to sneak up behind Octavio.

"Watch out Octavio!" I shouted. He looked over to where I was and not where the person was. I jumped out from the bush and blocked the bullet from Octavio. Everything went fuzzy and I fell to the ground. I looked at my side to where blood oozed out staining my clothes, my head hurt. Was I dying? It was only one bullet. I failed Octavio.

"Shit!" I heard Octavio say, it was hard to hear, it was muffled. Now I knew why the man didn't follow me here, he knew this was the arena. I felt someone pick me up, I tried to keep my eyes open long enough to see Octavio look at me. We're we flying? No we were jumping. I closed my eyes. It felt nice. "Amiga stay with me, don't die alright? I can't loose you, stay with me c'mon, c'mon," The words faded out. And all was black.

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