qoi fish / chapter 7

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I woke up with a killer headache. It felt like my head was going to explode. What had even happened last night? Me and Octavio had gone out to a bar and bad a few drinks, then we went to the cliff, and then I fell asleep. I was laying on someone I could feel their warmth on my face. I opened my eyes and sat up, and there was Octavio under me sound asleep.

What. I thought.

I rubbed my eyes and moved to the otherside of the bed to lay down. And then I remembered.

"The stars remind me of you,"

"How so?"

"They are each unique and beautiful,"
"Buenas noches hermoso,"
I kissed him.

That's what happened, the memories of last night flooded into my head. I began to smile as I remembered the words from last night. I felt sick though, probably a hangover. I laid back down on the opposite side of the bed to try and get a bit more rest.

"Amiga, come back," I felt a sleepy Octavio get closer to me and pull me in. I grabbed his hand and held it as we fell back asleep together.
"Tavi, we should get up," I finally said and hour later. My headache mostly went away bit the sickness was still kinda there.

"_____, do we have to get up now? I wanna hold you longer," Octavio said playing with my hair.

"Yeah, don't you have a game to practice for? It's tomorrow right?"

"Oh shit yeah," He said slowly sitting up in bed. "You felling alright?" He asked as I joined him sitting up.

"No thanks," I replied.

We both eventually got dressed and ready to start our day. I kept his hoodie on though, it was soft and comfortable, of course I would keep it on. He made me breakfast and we both ate, he ate faster than me but it's Octavio, of course he has to do everything faster. He left the house and I was alone once again. I didn't do much that day rather than sit around and watch some movies, just like the previous day. Finally after waiting Octavio was home.

"Hermosa!" He shouted as he walked in the door. "I'm bored wanna go do something?" He sounded quite excited. I looked at him from the couch and smiled.

"What were you thinking?"

"Not sure, we could go swimming, Ajay made my legs waterproof," He winked and shut the door behind him.

"Sure we could do that, I don't have a swim suit though," I said looking down.

"We could go ask Ajay, or Renee, probably Ajay, Renee isn't a big swimmer, I think, not sure she doesn't seem like one," Octavio was speaking fast and blurring his words together, I guess he really did everything fast.

"Alright," I laughed at him and his fast talking. "Let's go," I smiled and stood up and we left the house together. We both hopped on the motorcycle and went to Ajays house.

"Silva!" Ajay shouted at him. "Watchu doin here?"

"Chica, this is going to sound weird but I need a swim suit," Octavio asked getting oddly flustered.

"What?" She put her hands on her hips and looked at him confused, Octavio motioned for my to come over and he turned his head away. "Ah I gotchu," She grabbed my hand and closed the door behind her with a loud thud. "I don't have many, got a preffered color?" She asked rushing to her room. The house was neatly kept except for a few cups on tables and medical equipment on a big tabel in the living room.

"Uhm, do you have a black?" I asked softly.

"I do!" She darted into her closet and grabbed a black swimsuit. She handed it to me. "You can put it on now if ya want," She pointed to a bathroom and I put it on. It was a perfect fit. I put my clothes on over the swim suit and walked out.

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