Your father was soon dragged away as the crowd shouted at him. Bjorn looked back at you, only to see you glaring up at him as your mother followed after Floki, Angrboda in her arms. Bjorn had never seen you so angry as you jumped off the rock you stood on, following after your family, pushing the people of Kattegat out of your way.


Floki had been chained to a post in the middle of Kattegat. Hands chained to the ground while his neck was chained to the wooden pole behind him. Children of all ages danced around him and threw mud at him. You and Helga were trying to stop them as surrounding people laughed at the scene.

You managed to scare off a few kids but there were many others.

"Please, stop it! Stop it!" Helga kept repeating.

"Stop being so nice to them, Mama!" You exclaimed, taking mud from a child and throwing it at them, trying to help your father. You were becoming more angry and frustrated then you were before.

The children didn't listen to Helga's begs and if you moved them away, they would run right back. The crowd laughed and laughed until Bjorn saw what was happening and stepped in.

"Get out of here! Go!"

The children ran in fear at the Prince's loud and terrifying tone as the adults scattered to continue their day.

Now, you, Bjorn and Helga watched as Floki glared up at the Prince. "To shame me like this, Bjorn, for defending the Gods." Floki said, shaking his head in disappointment before spitting at Bjorn's feet.

Bjorn said nothing as he walked off while you rushed to clean the mud off Floki's face.


All day, you had stayed away from Ragnar and his family. Ragnar had awoken and you wanted to see him but your anger stopped you from doing so.

Now, after buying large furs with your own money, you rushed back to your father, seeing him still chained and alone. Helga must've gone to get Angrboda.

You draped the furs over your father who shivered as he grasped onto them tightly. "Thank you, my dear." Floki said as you sat in front of him. Angrboda came running, Helga following after her.

"Hey, Angrboda!" Floki said, teeth chattering as you helped adjust the furs before placing a kiss on your sisters head.

"What have you got for Papa?" You asked as she opened up a napkin, revealing a small meal

Floki gasped as he grabbed some meat and went to eat but due to the chains, he could barely move.

"Would you help me?" Floki gently asked your younger sister who nodded and brought the food up to his lips. Floki smiled as he ate the warm food. You brought a cup of ale to his lips, letting the man drink.

"Thank you, my beautiful daughters." He said after you pulled the cup away. "It's so good."

"Ragnar is awake." Helga said, causing Floki to freeze for a moment as you scoffed.

"Angrboda, go feed the chickens over there." Floki said. "Astrid, go with your sister, please."

You nodded as you stood and followed your little sister to feed the chickens. You smiled as she laughed.

Glancing back at your parents, you saw your mother walking over. Your father looked utterly broken and you knew you had to help him.


Seeing Ragnar on the porch outside of the hall, staring at your father who was still in chains made you angrier then before. You stormed towards your uncle who sighed as he saw your angry face.

"Astrid." He greeted

"I wish for you to free my father."

"I cannot do that." Ragnar sighed

"This is all Bjorn's fault. If it wasn't for him-"

"Do not insult my son, child." Ragnar said in a low tone.

"Please, Uncle Ragnar. My father is being humiliated. He only thought he was doing what was right. Something that would please the Gods." You said

Ragnar sighed, looking up and about to lecture you but froze when he saw your heartbroken face. He had never seen you so sad. It made his stomach twist. Ragnar pulled you to sit beside him and wrapped you in his furs as you let a tear fall.

"I understand what you're going through. I will think about it but right now, your father must be punished for what he did to Athelstan." He said, placing a kiss on your forehead.

After a few more minutes of discussing things with Ragnar, you made your way back to your father and sat beside him.

"Hello, Astrid." He frowned

"I want to help you, Father." You said, wrapping him in more furs. The snow was falling quite a lot and soon, it would be much to cold for Floki to stay in all day and night.

"I don't want you to get involved." Floki said

"I don't need your permission. At the moment, you cannot stop me." You quickly said.


Bjorn was leaving Kattegat and going into the wilderness. He would return in the spring, if he would still be alive by then. You watched from a distance as he said goodbye to his brothers and his father.

It wasn't until Ivar waved to you did Bjorn turn to you as well.

You were leaning against a post by the entrance of Kattegat, nearly 30 feet away from them all.

Bjorn huffed as he walked over and crouched in front of you. "I am sorry for what I did to your father. It was stupid of me to deal with that publicly."

"Now my father might die because of your stupidity but you're going into the wilderness?" You asked in both anger and sadness, refusing to look your friend in the eye. "What if you die out there? Hmm?"

"I won't die. If I do, I'll be waiting for you and my family in Valhalla." Bjorn said as he tilted your head down to look at him. "Like it or not, Astrid, but to me, you are my sister. Always remember that I love you."

"I don't want you to go." You frowned as your eyes filled with tears

Bjorn quickly pulled you into a hug, rubbing your back soothingly. "I'll be back in the Spring. I promise."

"If you break that promise, I'll send you to Valhalla myself, Bjorn Ironside."

Bjorn chuckled before he let you go and soon left the Kingdom of Kattegat.


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