~Days 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7~

Start from the beginning

"You didn't think I was gonna let you get away with that shit, did you?"

I smirked pulling out of his hold standing on my tip toes.

"Catch me if you can."

I ran down the hall into my room locking the door behind me and leaving him there in a daze. I walked over to the bed stripping out of my clothes hopping in the shower. When I was out I got back into the sweats that James loaned me, I crawled back into bed reading a little of the book I found before falling asleep. I couldn't help but think about how it felt to kiss James today and leave him in the daze that I did. It felt good to feel strong again, to feel in control, for the first time in a while, I feel like I can be myself around him even though it might not be the best thing it still feels good.

~Day 4~

I was woken up today by knocking coming from the front door, I got out of bed and walked downstairs to see James talking to Marks. I looked at James and I walked over to him, he grabbed my ass and smacked it.

"Get me some coffee."

I did as he said before standing next to him once again waiting for my next order before Marks spoke up.

"Damn James, you really whipped this whore into shape I should send them all to you."

"Yeah, you should."

Marks looked at me.

"Hey bitch, get me some coffee."

James grabbed my wrist looking at Marks.

"Sorry John, she's with me for three more days then you can order her around and call her bitch all you want till then get your own damn coffee."

I pulled my wrist from his hand to get Marks some coffee before I go back and get beat to shit because James was being a rude ass. I handed Marks his coffee only to have him grab my wrist and let his angered voice fill my ears.

"If he tells you not to do something you don't do it, if he tells you to do something you do it, take your fucking coffee I can get my own bitch."

I felt a sharp hand come across my face before I looked at James to see anger in his face, he looked at Marks.

"I asked you not to call her a bitch in my house, drink your fucking coffee and get out."

Marks looked at James.

"You fancy her don't you..."

He pulled me towards him putting his hand around my neck holding me there before he continued.

"Damn she must be good, maybe I should take her for a ride when she gets back..."

I saw the anger build in James as Marks kept talking.

"Maybe I'll just screw her to the point where she can't walk straight for a week..."

He turned my head so his lips were next to my ear.

"How does that sound baby? Give you a week off just to be mine, I'll use the cuffs again, I know how much you love those."

I just stood there listening to it as James stood there trying to keep his cool. James finally walked over to us grabbing my arm pulling me out of Marks hold.

"She's not with you now, she's under my ownership for another three days, until then get out."

Marks smirked at him before walking over to me and saying one last thing.

"Three days then it's hello cuffs, enjoy this time."

He walked out of the house, James turned me around so he could get a look at my face and neck checking everywhere that Marks had a hold of me, even my arm.

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