Prologue: Trailers

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AN: Hello everyone! I'm back, with the rewrite of Dreams of Remnant. Silver Legacy. If you haven't read the previous one, that's fine. This story will work just fine with no foreknowledge, maybe it'll even be better that way, who knows. Sorry it took so long, but not only did life hit hard… when I started seriously researching writing I learned how far I had to go, and I felt bad about what I wrote, making even getting a paragraph down a struggle. So I took the creative energy elsewhere but… hopefully I'll be back in the swing of things now.

So several things are different about this loop. Well, a LOT of things are different but it's still the same AU Premise, the characters that have been introduced are still here, but there are some changes to better fit the story and what they went through. After all, one of the biggest regrets I had was how badly I portrayed how what they went through affected them.

What I did change was how I built the world, and how certain characters are connected to each other. So some things will be notably different in some ways. Like the fact that Uni will be getting her entire team at the start, the original reason I didn't do that was I wasn't confident in my ability to evenly split the focus between four characters. However I've practiced, done research, and even started taking some writing classes because I genuinely want to improve 

As for our tragic girl… she is a bit different, to make the story flow better and fit in, but she still raises the same question. How can one use abilities fueled by the desire to protect life, when she doesn't care about anyone but herself?

Now, I warn you, the Team Name will be kind of bad but I found it much harder to make a name with the letters available than I thought. If you can think of a better one please help

However I'll stop talking now, and simply let you enjoy the story.
Prologue: A legend of Silver, Black, Green and Violet

Silver Trailer:

"Took you long enough." She scoffed, bear ears flat as amethyst eyes peered through the one way glass. The worried frown was etched into her expression like a statue.

Her gaze was locked upon a sickly girl on the other side, angry and locked in cuffs. Despite being unable to see through it, her silver eyes glared at the mirror with hate. Even if she was starved and in nothing but a tattered gown, she still gave off an ominous air. She could handle herself, she had made that clear with how much effort it took to get her into that interrogation room.

It was tragic, Wystia thought, that anyone would end up like this. Especially her… how many years must have she been in such a state? She'd be sixteen now, if it was who Wystia thought it was. 

She looked a lot different, but she seemed to be the right age. Her skin was darker, but that could be time spent in the sun…

She looked over to her coworker, already feeling irritated. The older man at her side, smiled knowingly as he adjusted his glasses. Silver hair like the girl's, but one of age and wisdom. Professor Ozpin of Beacon Academy. "Sorry, Wystia, even Jade takes some time to work."

"Yeah, yeah…" She sighed softly, biting her lip in frustration. "Well? Is it her?"

"Somehow. The tests are a positive." Ozpin nodded, causing her to hitch a sharp breath. They both knew it made no sense for someone to pop up like this after so long, the fact that she refused to answer any questions about where she had been only made it more difficult. "Have you spoken to her yet?"

"No, it's only been Glynda. Didn't go too well, she tried to fight." Wystia admitted. "She managed to pacify the girl and bring her here though."

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