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012 ⎯⎯ highschool crushes



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Y/N rolled over on the bed, turning to face where Mina was sitting. "That actually...sounds kind of fun." Sero nodded in agreement, taking a seat on the floor. "Who wants to play?" 

It had been a few days since the group painted the car and went skateboarding. They hadn't been able to figure out anything else they wanted to do yet so they had been staying at a series of different hotels.

Y/N got up, yanking Denki with her. The two sat on the ground, Y/N glancing over to the bed where Kirishima and Bakugou were sleeping. "We probably shouldn't wake them."

Mina nodded in agreement, holding out her hand fro Sero's beer bottle. He drank the last of it, handing it to the girl. She placed it on the ground, sitting back. "Who's first?"

Denki shrugged, volunteering. He reached for the bottle, gave it a good spin, a watched as slowed to a stop on....Y/N.

"Alright!" Mina clapped her hands, "You two go in the bathroom for seven minutes." Denki raised a brow, Y/N yawning as Mina ushered them to the hotel bathroom. "Isn't that seven minutes in heaven?" He questioned, the pinkette shrugging.

"Same thing! Have fun!"

She closed the bathroom door, smiling to Sero who shot her a thumbs up. The two squatted outside the bathroom, waiting for something to happen.

"So..." Y/N plopped down in the bathtub, laying her head back. "Wanna make out or something?" Denki turned red, shaking his head no. He took a seat on the toilet, looking to the floor. 

Y/N sat up, leaning over the edge of the tub. "Why're you so nervous around me?" Denki shook his head, sighing. "It's cause you always make these dirty jokes! I never know if you're serious or not!"

"You used to flirt with anything with boobs in high school."

The blonde blushed, Y/N laughing. "It's fine Ki, I'm not serious unless you want me to be." This made the boy blush even more, Y/N laughing harder. "It's funny cause..."

Y/N caught her breath, smiling softly. "I used to get so jealous of those girls you flirted with." 

Denki froze, Y/N continuing. "Who knew I'd end up being the one to run away with you and make you blush!" She laughed.

Denki gave a small glance up, "D-Did you like me in high school?" He bit his lip in anticipation, Y/N nodding. The blonde looked to the ground, his cheeks burning. "I kinda...liked-"

"Seriously!" Y/N jumped out the bathtub, a big grin on her face. "Do you still like me?!" The teen turned crimson, unconsciously nodding.

Y/N felt her happiness bubble over as she checked her phone, sitting on the bathroom counter. "Kay! We have 4 minutes left, lets make the most of it." She pulled Denki up by the sleeves so he was in front of her.

The boy blushed at their position, Y/N smiling as she brought their bodies closer together. She wrapped her arms around his neck, leaning in to his ear, whispering. "Let's make out cause-"

"I still like you too."

↳ [Edited]
idk how I feel abt this chapter

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