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underage drinking !


rolling his eyes at his sleeping friends. He pulled into a empty parking lot, parking the car and grabbing his wallet before stepping out of the vehicle. 

A few minutes passed, Y/N groaning as she shifted against Denki. Her eyes fluttered open, the girl sitting up straight. She elbowed the blonde beside her, a smile pulling at her lips.

Denki yawned, slowly opening his eye lids. "What is it?" He mumbled, Y/N quickly shushing him. She dug through her back pack, pulling out two cans of beer and a cigarette. 

"Come on." 

She grinned, crawling over the seat carefully as to not wake Mina or Sero. Denki followed her lead, the two staying silent until stepping into the fresh air of the night. 

Y/N pulled herself onto the lid of the car, climbing onto the roof. She patted the spot beside her, tossing a beer to Denki. The blonde rolled his eyes, climbing onto the car as he opened the can. 

"Ya'know we're underage right?" 

Y/N shrugged, tossing him her can. "Can you open that?" She didn't wait for a response, pulling out a lighter. She lit her cigarette, Denki handing her the now open can. Breathing out smoke, Y/N smiled. 


She gestured upwards, Denki raising his eyes, them widening. Above them was a sky full of stars, the moon shining above them all.

"It's amazing what you can see when you get out the city." Y/N smiled, Denki nodding. The blonde chuckled, taking a sip of his beer. "I wonder how far Katsuki drove to get us here?"

Y/N shrugged, a smirk pulling at her lips. "Ya'know what we should do?" Denki raised his brows, an unsettling feeling in his stomach. 

"Let's get tattoos!"

".....Really?" Denki narrowed his eyes at Y/N's giddy state, the girl giggling. "Yeah! It'll be fun! Oh! I should get an underboob tattoo!" 


"Yeah!" Y/N lifted her shirt, the tip of her black bra showing. "Right here-" Denki pulled her shirt back down, a bright red covering his cheeks. "I know where it is! I don't need to see!" Y/N laughed, Denki pouting.

"Get your asses back in the car!" 

The two looked down, Bakugou coming towards them with a burger and fries. Y/N smiled, jumping off the car. She snatched the fries, taking off in the opposite direction.


The blonde began chasing her around, Denki laughing from atop the car. He felt someone tug his leg, looking down to see Sero, Mina, and Kirishima.

Sero held out his hand for the beer, Denki handing it to him. Mina pulled herself onto the car, pulling out her phone. She began to take a video of Y/N and Bakugou, posting it to her private story on snapchat.

Y/N finally dropped, exhausted. Bakugou snatched back his food, the girl begging for mercy. The blonde rolled his eyes, turning to go back to the car, Y/N following. She grinned, handing her cigarette to Sero as she took a sip of her beer. "So..."

"How do you guys feel about tattoos?"

↳ [Edited]

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