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006 ⎯⎯ the tattoo shop



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exiting the bathroom with Mina behind her. She collapsed onto the bed, Denki looking up from his phone. "You guys done?" 

Mina nodded, stuffing her clothes into her bag. "I'll see you guys later, I promised to help Ei dye his hair." She waved, slipping on her shoes as she left the room. 

Denki turned to Y/N, the girl rolling over on the bed lazily. She held out her hand lazily, the blonde raising a brow. He hesitantly place his phone in her hand, Y/N letting it slide out and to the bed. 

"Just tell me what you want?" Denki chuckled, Y/N sitting up stubbornly. Her cleavage peeked out from her sports bra, her shorts adjusting as she moved. 

A light blush dusted the blonde's cheeks as he scooted away, scratching his neck. "I still don't know what you want." 

Y/N groaned, "Give me your shirt dumbass, mine are dirty."

Denki nodded, his brows going up in realization. "Oh sorry!" He dug into his bag, throwing a long sleeve shirt to the girl. Y/N quietly slipped it on, balling up the access sleeve in her fist and grabbing a pillow. She hugged it to her chest, closing her eyes. 

Denki watched as she began to fall asleep, his shirt clinging loosely to her body. Her neck and collar bone were exposed, along with a bit of her belly where the shirt was bunched up. The blonde gulped, turning to enter the bathroom.

"Nope, no, nuh uh, no way."


Y/N tossed her bag into the car, bouncing on her toes. "I'm so excited!" Mina cheered, Y/N nodding in agreement. The two stepped onto the sidewalk in front of the tattoo shop, grinning to the door. 

Bakugou scoffed at the girls, pushing open the door and stepping inside. Sero and Kirishima followed his lead, Mina, Y/N, and Denki following behind. 

They entered a room, a buff guy with lots of tattoos looking up from his phone. "Whoa a group of new customers!" He grinned, standing. "Just pick out a design or hand in your own and we'll get started."

Kirishima began looking at designs, Bakugou trudging behind with his hands in his pockets. Mina, however, bounced up to the man, smiling big. "I already have a design!" She grinned, the man nodding. 

"Shelia! Ya got a client!" 

A woman with purple hair stuck her head through the doorway, smiling. "Ohh she's cute! Come here sweetie!" She waved, Mina shooting a thumbs up before disappearing into the hallway. 

Y/N waved to her friend, turning to Denki. "What're you getting?" The blonde scratched his head, frowning. "I honestly don't know." Y/N grinned, skipping away. 

"You should get my name on your torso!" She called behind her, Denki turning a bright red. The girl turned over her shoulder, pressing a finger to her lips. "I'll get one of your name on my boo-" Bakugou chopped his friend over the head, rolling his eyes. 

"Go get your damn tattoo idiot."

↳ [Edited]

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