Out With The Squad

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I don't own Mha at all but for those who come across this and don't know what mha is then go watch it NOW!

It was now the next day and let me tell you I wasn't having it today. Mr. Aizawa hadn't arrived yet and most of the class was taking advantage of that. Some of them were talking to each other, others were on their phones, and there was Iida just doing Iida things.

Miu ran over with a smile once again on her face. "Yamazaki! How are you?" She greeted

"Not today" I yawned with a small glare

I walked over to my chair and put my head down feeling exhausted from not getting any sleep. It didn't take long for my eyes to feel heavy and me unknowingly let sleep take over.

*No ones pov*

Everyone was talking and doing their own thing, not knowing that one of their classmates fell asleep. Well that was until someone pointed out water on the ground and dark clouds floating around. They remembered something like this happening yesterday with Elena and faced the sleeping girl.

"So it is her" Kirishima whispered "We should wake her up so it can stop"

"I agree" Midoriya said before looking at her terrified face "Besides it looks like she's having a nightmare"

"Wait I thought you shouldn't wake a person up who's having a nightmare" Kaminari spoked

"No, you shouldn't wake up someone who's sleep walking" Jiro corrected

"I knew that" He chuckled nervously "Alright let's wake her up now-"

Before they even got a chance to try to wake her up Bakugo beat them to it and yelled at her to get up. But when he noticed that wasn't working he activated his quirk out of anger causing Elena to wake up.

"About fucking time-" Bakugo was cut off when Elena roundhouse kicked him and pinned him down. She raised right hand and made a fist with blue fire wrapped around it.

Todoroki quickly jumped into action and used his ice to put out her flames. He then pulled her away and held her in place so she wouldn't try to attack him again.

"Huh maybe you shouldn't wake a person up if they're having a nightmare too" Jiro whispered

"I don't think it's that" Iida muttered "I think she hates being woken up"

"Actually she was dreaming of a memory that traumatized her" Todoroki stated with small frown "Bakugo triggered her and now she is currently having an episode"

"I wonder what happened to her" Sero questioned while looking at the distressed girl

Soon tears started to fall on the girls face "mom... why did you let him do that to me" Elena cried

Everyone's heart dropped and stared at her while she cried. They tried calling her name but she still didn't snap out of it.

"Why did you make my life a living hell?" Elena sobbed

Aizawa had just walked into the classroom, preparing himself to see how loud his class will be but instead he only heard one broken voice.

"Aizawa sensei, Yamazaki is having a breakdown" Mina blurted "She's not responding to us or aware of anything"

Aizawa sighed and started walking over to the girl "It's only the second day" He muttered

"Why did you let him hurt me?" Elena cried "Why did you hurt me too"

For some reason Aizawa became angry at what he was hearing. "You killed my dad in front of me and now because of you, I constantly have nightmares and begged for him to come back even though it's impossible" She sobbed even more

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