Taking The Entrance Exam

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It was the middle of the night when I woke up in my mommy's arms. She was running through the woods, looking determined to get to whatever destination she was heading to. I wasn't sure why we were in the woods but I didn't like it at all.  I also didn't like the fact after months of my mother being gone, she comes back like this.

"Mommy, where are we going?" I questioned

She glanced at me with a look of hatred, which frightened me to the core. "We are going to our new home" She responded

I looked around and noticed that someone's missing "Where's daddy?" I asked, getting more worried "Shouldn't he be here too?"

"Don't worry about that right now" Mommy huffed "He will be there-"

"TANAKA!!! BRING ME BACK MY DAUGHTER!" An familiar voice yelled

My mother turned around to see my dad and a few other heroes. "Damn it" My mother groaned before clicking something near her ear "I need as many villains you can send to fight off a few bugs while I try to escape"

Not long after villains from all directions went towards my dad and heroes. At this point, I knew that I had to escape my mother and get to my dad, but I knew that was going to be impossible.

"LET GO" I screamed as I tried to get out of her arms "I WANT DADDY"

"Shut it, you ungrateful brat" My mother snapped

I  twisted around and then bit her causing her to let go of me. I took this opportunity and quickly started running towards the direction I saw my dad at.

"Little Aizawa come with me" Uncle Mic said, catching my attention.

I quickly ran to him but was soon snatched away by a big wolf. Once again I was trying to get free as the wolf brought me back to my mother. "Take her to the hideout while I deal with this mess" She ordered before running off.

As the wolf took off running, I spotted my daddy and mother fighting each other. "DADDY! PLEASE SAVE ME!" I screamed. Daddy made eye contact with me and my mother quickly used it against him. She then gave herself claws and stabbed him in the chest.

Even though I was getting farther away from the fight, I saw my dad's body drop on the ground. "daddy... DADDY GET UP! WAKE UP!" I sobbed even though I could no longer be heard.

When I made it to a random building, I was greeted by some large dude. He picked me up by my shirt and brought me inside. He didn't say anything to me and I didn't want to say anything to him either. To be honest, I didn't want to talk or be around anyone, especially a random stranger because of what I witnessed.

The man then opened the door and threw me inside, causing bruises to form on me. "This is where you'll stay for now on" He stated "You are not to leave this room unless you're told to. Got it?"

"Yes sir" I whispered before he slammed the door

I sat down in the middle of the floor and curled up into a ball as I sobbed. "It's my fault that you died" I mumbled to myself "Forgive me..."




"FORGIVE ME" I blurted before coming to my senses "When will I ever stop dreaming of the day"

It's been 10 years since that happened to me and I can't seem to forget anything from that day except one important thing... the people who tried to save me including my dad. I know it sounds weird but I just can't remember his face, voice, or any information about him that I knew of. When I try to think of him it's just a big blur of smudge colors.

Why Me? (Rewriting)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن