chapter two

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"wheres dream?" tommy says locking his car

techno also locking his car, "he said he'd be right back, something about going to the beach or something like that"

"alright well i'm gonna head to bed, night" callahan says yawning

"night boys" wilbur says heading into the house


dream arrives and sits on the sandy beach watching the sunset. he pulls out a cigarette and lights it.

"sky looks pretty" a voice says behind dream spooking him

"fuck you scared me.." dream says turning around "..oh you're the cop from the pub..did you follow me?"

george laughs, "i just wanted to apologize for how my friend was acting." he says sitting next to dream in the sand "can i get one?"

dream nods handing george a cigarette and a lighter. george lights his cigarette, "i'm george"

dream didn't say anything but kept looking at the waves crash on the rocks.

george frowns, "that's when you're supposed to say who you are"

dream sighs, "i'm anonymous"

"well how are you anonymous" george laughs

dream smiles rolling his eyes, "i'm alright, how are you"

"i'm okay" george replies

"you drive?" dream says laying down in the sand

george stayed silent

"when i left the pub i saw a mclaren back there, i knew it was one of you" dream sighs hitting his cigarette

"yeah it's mine. i drive sometimes. sometimes i cant because of my job..if i get caught that's it for me"

dream nods, "you wanna go for a drive? i'll just have to trust me alright?"

george laughs, "oh so now you're kidnapping me?"

dream smiles, "oh come'll be fun" he says standing up

"alright fine" george laughs following dream to his car

"but first..could you leave all ur things ur car or something. like ur phone, and radio.." dream smiles

george nods and walks over to his car leaving his things.

"nice car you got here" george says getting in the passenger seat

dream got in the drivers seat smiling

"so where are we going anonymous" george says putting his hand out of the window feeling the breeze hit his palm

"i don't really know, i just wanted to drive" dream laughs

george smiles looking at dream, "why don't u take the sunglasses off, you look funky with them on"

dream swallows. don't do it dream...fuck it. he says to himself

dream takes the sunglasses off and they make eye contact

george giggles still keeping eye contact, "eyes on the road anonymous"

dream smiles breaking eye contact to drive faster down the quiet highway

dream just kept driving. they ended up driving for three hours. talking and laughing together.

"an abandoned race track?" george laughs getting out of dreams car

"i saw it when we were on the highway,  i wanted to check it out" dream smiles

"come on slow poke!" george laughs as he runs to the entrance of the track

"woah.." george says walking on the track

"you look so small in this stadium" dream laughs

"you know..i saw this quote in a book," george says sitting on the bleachers on the stadium with dream besides him

"a hero would sacrifice you for the world, but a villain would sacrifice the world for you." "and i don't know why i'm saying it. it just really is cool how people experience things like that, and than come up with quotes for it."

"i could be your villain if you'd like? i mean i did just break in here with you" dream grins

george laughs "alright anonymous" he says looking up at the stars

little did george know..dream was already a villain.

"hey george"

"yeah" george says as they watch the stars

"tell me about yourself, i'm bored"

george laughs, "well i've had a rough childhood. my mom was a racecar driver when she was my age. she died when i was 9 from an accident." he sighs as dream plays with his hair, "so i was left with my dad. he never believed in racing..he thought it was stupid. so when id go out, he'd get drunk and criticize me for racing. he was super abusive when he was drunk. and he was always drunk..."

dream stayed silent for awhile..they both did.

"i can relate i mother left when i was 13, i haven't seen or heard anything from her so i just assume she's dead..i know that sounds bad but i can't hope on things i can't prove. my father is very abusive aswell..he's always been like that, so i left the house at 16. i live with the boys you saw at the pub"

george nods..and checks the time on dreams phone, 4:30am george groans, "i have to get home, i have work tomorrow" he frowns

"oh god i do too" dream says getting up helping george up also


"george won't pick up his phone punz" ranboo sighs

"ranboo he's fine, he's 23. and plus finally he gets out of the damn house" punz laughs

"i guess, i'm just glad sapnap is asleep..that was a mess." ranboo says

"hangover is gonna hit like a brick when he wakes up" punz grins

"hey there's a green lambo outside.." ranboo says

"huh.." punz says looking out the window.. "is he with the guy from the pub that knocked out sapnap??"

"i think so..." ranboo laughs

"hey uh..thank you again, it was nice" george smiles

"no problem, goodnight" dream smiles and drives off.

"george why him. i mean he knocked out sapnap come on.." punz frowns

george laughs, "sometimes you can't explain what you see in a person, it's just the way that they take you to a place where no one else can."

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