chapter 4

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Lets just say after twenty three years Leon and Amber have been through hell and back, they met a lot of people and fought a lot of bio weapons even faced so many people from umbrella, but the company has been taken down. but both Leon and Amber have lost a lot of people in the process 70,000 people while fighting umbrella but now this will be the biggest challenge yet.
Leon was on the phone with Chris. He thought should ask both Chris and Claire something, cause he wanted to do something special for his girlfriend.
Leon: Chris hey it's me.
Chris: hey Leon what's up?
Leon: i need to talk to you and Claire even Jill, what do you say we talk about this over lunch how about it and maybe have Amber go see Ethan and Mia just to keep her busy.
Chris: yeah she has been wanting to see rose again so why not, lets meet up and have Amber meet up with Ethan and Mia.
after the call Leon went to wake up amber. Leon: (kisses her cheek) hey Amber wake up come on sweetheart time to get up. Amber: (eyes open) Hmm (yawns) oh hey Leon what time is it? Leon: (chuckles) it's like eleven in the morning now come on get out of bed before i do it myself. Amber: (giggles) Leon Kennedy don't you even think about it, now let me get dressed and don't think i didn't hear the conversation you had with my brother i would love to see Ethan and Mia i haven't seen rose since she was born. Leon smiled at her and left the room once amber was dressed she left the room and went into the kitchen and snuck up on Leon, and it scared him a bit.
Leon: Jesus Christ amber (laughs) don't do that. damn near scared the hell out of me, so you ready to see them again? Amber: yup it has been three years since the incident in Louisiana i hope Mia is alright. Leon: hey what happened wasn't your fault, now come on before i'm late for my little meet up with Chris, Claire and Jill.

*with Leon*
Leon made it to the restaurant where he was meeting with Chris, Claire and Jill at. then he spotted them and called out to them. Leon: hey guys how've you been? i just dropped off Amber at Ethan's. they all were laughing having a good time until Claire broke the silence. Claire: okay Leon why did you ask us here? Jill: yeah what's going on? Leon: alright want ask you three, if could have your blessings to ask Amber an important question. they were all shocked at what he was asking. they all said yes Chris had work to do, so he left.

*with Amber*
Amber: hey "Mia" how've you been doing?
"Mia": hmm oh i'm fine Ethan's being paranoid, he won't let go of what happened three years ago.
Amber: hey i don't blame you. listen i'm gonna go get rose and how about you read her that story you got "Mia" how about it? "Mia" smiled and nodded her head, amber went to get rose so she could be read a story. but Ethan came down with her and handed rose to her aunt Amber. Amber: hey Ethan how've you been? and little rose how i missed you kiddo look at how big your getting. Ethan: hey amber you've been good you know after twenty years of fighting? after talking with each other it was getting late.

after "Mia" read rose the story village of shadows Ethan went go put rose to bed. Amber: hey "Mia" it's getting late i should head home.
"Mia": oh it's fine Amber stay for dinner won't you? Amber nodded and walked into the kitchen to help with dinner.

*time skip*
after what happened at Ethan's Amber woke up freezing next to Ethan and saw that they were both somewhere.
Amber: ugh Ethan what happened? where are we oh shit it's freezing. (shifts to wolf form) Ethan you alright?
Ethan: yeah i'm fine Amber. let's find rose can you give me ride on your back. Amber lays down and lets Ethan climb on her back. Amber starts running, after hours of running they both came to a village one that Amber seems to remember.
Ethan: amber what is it you alright? Amber: yes i'm fine it's just i know this place, i was here when i was a little girl. (gasp) Mother Miranda she'll be happy to see me! Amber started barking and she started to run towards the village, hoping to see her guardian again. Ethan: whoa Amber calm down! what's got you excited? Amber: (shifts to human) sorry Ethan it's just my guardian Mother Miranda is somewhere in this village and i have to find her, only she can give me the cure for my virus. Ethan: who's Mother Miranda? Amber: you'll find out soon Ethan trust me. but right now we need to get into the village now let's go.
Ethan followed Amber but what they didn't know is that both of them were being watched but by who, no one knows.

Leon Kennedy x ocWhere stories live. Discover now