chapter 3

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Leon and Amber broke the kiss and started walking out the cabin, and head towards the water fall.
Leon: so what happened when these people kidnapped you, and i'm guessing they wanted to experiment on you?
Amber: Leon I've been stuck in Spain for almost 9 months so don't push it. I have been a pent up wolf, and it's not been fun i was bout rip some damn many ganados to shreds that includes Mendez. amber started getting mad that her fangs and claws were coming out. Leon noticed her claws, he had to act fast in order to calm her down.
Leon: Amber! Amber calm down your going beast mode please baby calm down. (hears bug noise) do you hear that?
Amber: Daniela come out and please don't mess with us, i'm not in the mood right now.
Daniela: oh come now sweet pup. i have to have some fun, i'm sure Cassandra and Bela helped you out as well? now who's this handsome man?
Leon: the names Leon Kennedy and you are a friend of ambers?
Daniela: Yes my names Daniela and my sisters helped amber we've known her since she was little. but right now i found a boat for you two to get across the lake but be careful there's some kind of infected animal in the water, i don't know it was i heard the villagers call it Del Lago I'll see you both on the other side and good luck.
Amber: thanks Daniela we owe you one. Daniela nodded her head and started to walk away then she disappeared when Leon wasn't looking.

both Leon and Amber ran to the lake taking care of any obstacle in the way. once they reached the dock Leon got in first then helped Amber get in next. Del Lago was coming up under them, then hit their boat.
Amber: whoa ow. what the hell was that? Leon just shrugs his shoulders, then they felt it again. Amber: shit, Leon i think there's something's in the water.
Leon: must be the animal Daniela warned us about. Amber: could be? oh shit Leon look out!

* time skip*

After a long fight with Del Lago they made it to the other side of the lake. Amber and Leon got out of the boat and on to the dock, amber noticed her boyfriend was looking at her.
Amber: (looks around) what? why are you looking at me like that?
Leon: you feeling okay? you look pale you sick or something?
Amber: i have been feeling a little feverish i probably have a cold or something a - achoo! ugh bless me. (sniffs)
Leon: (takes off glove) hmm you don't feel so warm. definitely a cold, if we see your friends they have to get you somewhere safe till i find Ashley alright?
Amber: (nods) alright maybe Cassandra or Bela might be near besides Daniela (sniffs) achoo. damn this weather i rather be back home right now.

*time skip*
after finding Ashely they all ran to the cabin behind them.
Luis: Leon. he tosses Leon something to jam the door with. he catches it and jams the door.
Luis: small world eh? Well i see that the president's equipped his daughter with ballistics too.
Amber rolls her eyes at Luis for his behavior.
Ashely: How rude! And i don't believe there's any relevance to my figure and standing. Who are you?
Amber smelled something and knew the scent.
Luis: ho ho excuse me, Your highness. But i believe the young lady might want to introduce herself before asking someone his name?
Ashley: Her names Ashley Graham the presidents daughter.
Luis: is she you know?
Leon: don't worry she's cool.
Luis shrugs. Ehh, never mind. There's suppose to be some obvious symptom before you turn into one of them anyway.
Amber: hey guys i think my friends are here. Ashley was confused at by what she meant.
Ashley: what do you mean your friends? then Cassandra, Bela and Daniela came out of the shadows from up stairs.

Cassandra: Amber are you alright sweet pup, you don't look so good?
Amber: i'm fine Cassandra just a cold I'll be fine when i get home a - achoo. shit i think my colds getting worse. amber started coughing then she fell to the floor. Cassandra caught her before amber fell to the ground, Cassandra took her glove off and put it to amber's forehead. Cassandra looked at Leon and asked him.
Cassandra: Leon whats wrong with her?! Why is she like this please tell me so i can help her, it better not of been that little bastard cause if it is then my sisters and i are going to kill him.
Ashley: will she be okay?
Luis: (places a hand on her forehead) hmm it seems she has a fever, it's getting worse i believe your friend here needs to get out of here now.
Amber looked at everyone, then motioned Ashley to come over to her.
Amber: Ashley stay close to Leon okay? he'll keep you safe (coughs). Ashley nodded.
Leon: Cassandra can you and your sisters get Amber home have her contact someone called Jill valentine, and she'll take her to her brother and sister alright.
Cassandra nodded her head and told Leon that her and her sisters have a way to get amber home. Cassandra: Bela, Daniela come help me amber's sick.
Bela: we're coming. oh amber our dear sweet pup come on let's get you home, let's get her out of here now!
Daniela: she's right come on we must leave now! before her fever gets worse, don't worry Amber we're gonna get you home.
Amber: I know thank you girls. Leon you and Ashley better come home to me and the others in one piece i mean it or else your toast.
Leon smiled. Leon: don't worry we will now you get home and get well okay, i love you and i will see you when we get home alright. amber nodded at Leon and hugged him one last time before she and the girls left Spain.

*time skip*

after the girls got Amber home. Amber called Jill when she got there. Jill got her home, Claire and Chris were so happy to have their little sister home. they took amber to their home and got her some hot soup and medicine. Claire put thermometer in Ambers mouth, they both waited until it beeped. Claire took it out of her mouth and saw the temperature she had and it read 103.
Claire: Well you definitely have a fever alright, just stay put on the couch and rest okay?
Amber: (nods) yes Claire. god i feel like shit, i hate Salazar and Saddler hopefully Leon will be okay? Chris came in and saw Amber on the couch. she looked like a sick dog.
Chris: hey Amber how you feeling?
Amber: hey Chris and let's just say that i feel like shit and i probably straight up look like a sick dog, and don't try to hide the fact that i am one. just admit it Chris i'm a sick dog.
Chris: (chuckles) alright alright i admit it your a sick dog, Wolfy. when Chris said that, Amber pounced her brother and they both started laughing. when Claire came back in the living room she saw her siblings laughing, it brought a smile to her face.
Claire: okay you two no more rough housing, come on amber back to resting for you we don't need a sister who will still be sick as she is now.

Amber: come on Claire I've gotta have some fun. Claire gave Amber a look that told her to go back to resting. Amber: alright I'll go rest but can either of you two let me know when Leon gets back i would really appreciate it.

couple days passed since the Spain incident and amber was still fighting a cold. her fever was gone, but a cold remained.

Amber: Ugh this sucks i'm glad my fever is gone, but now i'm stuck with a cold.
what Amber didn't know is that Leon had returned from his mission. and decided to surprise his girlfriend and has something special planed for her.

Leon snuck up behind her and hugged her. Amber was surprised by what just happened.
Amber: (gasp) oh Jesus Leon don't do that, you nearly gave me a heart attack. But i'm happy to see you, so is Ashley okay what the hell happened?
Leon: (chuckles) don't worry she's fine as for Salazar and Saddler their dead so there is no more parasites at all, so that means i get to spend time with the best girlfriend in the world. Amber blushed at what he said and turned her head at him. Leon: i also got you this (shows a rose) it reminded me of you.
Amber: (giggles) Leon it's beautiful. whats going on anyway?
Leon: well Claire and Chris decided to have a little get together and lets just say i have a very special surprise for a very special girl. he tried to kiss her but amber stopped him.
Amber: um Leon i'm still fighting a cold, so don't kiss me unless you want to get sick.
Leon: noted and i thought you would be better by now.
Claire came in and said something. Claire: okay lovebirds the guests have arrived, oh Amber this is Rebecca. Rebecca this is me and Chris's sister Amber. Amber went to shake Rebecca's hand then she backed away and sneezed. Amber: ugh shit sorry i'm still a bit sick. hmm Ashley your here and with your father? Adam: pleasure to finally meet you Amber. the president holds out his hand to Amber and she shakes it. Amber: (sniffs) the pleasure is all mine sir. oh i'm guessing a certain agent of yours told you about me? Adam: (chuckles) yes Leon did tell me a bit about you. and i must thank you for helping saving my daughter Ashley really thinks of you as a good friend and i want thank your brother and sister for inviting us to this little get together, i haven't been to a barbeque in a long time. oh Leon don't you have something for amber?
Leon: your right Adam. (pulls out his gift) this is for you amber i hope you like it? amber took the gift and opened the box and saw a ring inside.
Amber: Leon why a ring? is there something i'm missing or are you proposing to me i'm confused.
Leon: (chuckles) it's a promise ring and look i have one too.

*authors note: the black one is Leon's and the silver one is Ambers*

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*authors note: the black one is Leon's and the silver one is Ambers*

Amber: oh Leon i love it thank you i love you Leon.
Leon: no problem i love you too Amber.
then they continued with the barbeque and had fun with one another, Leon and Amber were both cuddling on the couch relaxing and having fun with the others.

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