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SHE WASN'T LYING WHEN SHE didn't understand the effects of dark magic. And maybe that was her mistake, maybe that's her fault for not taking the time to look up what it was that dark magic truly did to people. Nonetheless, she ignored Sam's warning, and she continued to practice as much as she could. Her magic was getting better and stronger day by day, not knowing that it was really eating her alive on the inside. She didn't know that the dark magic was starting to spread through her veins, crawling closer and closer towards her heart where it would officially take over and take control of Skye.

Willow Michaels of all people should know exactly how that felt. The brunette had been attached to the darkness inside of her for so long, and it was a constant battle of trying to gain control that kept her so exhausted all of the time. She wouldn't wish that feeling upon anybody. What she was, what she became when the darkness attached her soul broke free, it was someone that she was ashamed of. Someone that was seen as a villain, as a ruthless person that killed anyone that crossed her path. Even if Willow knew there wasn't a cure, getting Skye to help her allowed her a slight glimmer of hope.

However, she would have never asked that of the female if she knew what path she would start running towards. The path of betrayal, anger, constant battle, but most of all fear. When that darkness took over Willow, she could see everything that was happening, everything that she was doing, yet the fear gripped onto her wrists and ankles like metal chains and wouldn't allow her to stop this other side of her. The other side of her which would be thrown inside of a specialized cell if they had the chance to get her in there before she did something reckless.

So when Sam Wilson came knocking in the middle of her training, with a frown on his face, Willow couldn't help but think that something bad was happening. Unwrapping her hands from the bandages she used in order to punch the punching bag, she turned her head to look at Sam, watching as he crossed his arms over his chest and looked down at the ground for a moment before sighing and looking up to meet the woman's eyes.

     "Sam, is everything alright?" Willow questioned, walking towards him as she pulled her hair from it's ponytail.

     "How's training?" Sam diverted her question with one of his own. And that immediately made her know that something was up.

     "Sam." Willow sternly spoke. "What's wrong?"

     "Wrong? What makes you think that something is wrong?"

     "I've learned to study a situation by the simple way that you stand. Do you not remember who my girlfriend is? The one who shows emotion to no one ever? Trust me when I say that I know that there's something wrong. So, there's no point in lying to me, so just spit it out." She narrowed her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest as she looked at the man.

She watched him for a moment. Watching as he tried to process what exactly it was that he was going to say―︎almost as if he didn't believe the words that were about to come out of his mouth. Because, quite frankly, he didn't. He didn't believe that Skye would do something so dangerous as to work with dark magic, but he also didn't believe that she wasn't. He was worried, and even though Skye told him not to be, he couldn't help it. He knew that Willow didn't like to talk about that dark part of her, but he couldn't help but feel like asking her the questions he wanted to ask, would at least get him somewhere. No matter if he liked the destination.

     "I have to ask you something." Sam told her, and Willow nodded, her full attention placed on him. "I just. . . this is purely out of curiosity, but what exactly is dark magic, and what does it do?"

     Willow rose her eyebrows in surprise. Out of everything that Sam could've possibly asked her, wanting to know about dark magic wasn't one of them. She liked her lips, her mouth opening and closing in concern before she finally managed to form words. "I―︎how do you know about dark magic?"

     "Just tell me what it is? Please?" Sam begged, and Willow hesitated for a moment before nodding her head.

     "It's not good, that's what it is." Willow told her. "You know how when I lose control, and that other part of me takes over? That's basically what dark magic is. Except, it takes over you slowly, over time. And unlike how I can fight to gain control, most people that are taken over by dark magic are lost forever inside that darkness. To defeat the magic, you'd have to be really strong, or have some kind of help."

     "What kind of help?" Sam questioned.

     Willow shrugged her shoulders. "Someone you trust with your entire being, someone you trust to pull you back."

     He looked at the hesitancy that crossed over the woman's face, making him furrow his eyebrows. "Or?" Willow met his eyes, clenching her jaw as she shook her head. "Willow, what other kind of help?"

     Willow sighed, pushing her hair behind her ears. "Or, if it's bad enough, you'd have to find someone to help kill you."


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