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SHE WAS STARTING TO GET frustrated. Book after book, page after page, word after word, and yet she had still found absolutely nothing to help Willow with her situation. She tossed the book away from her in anger, clenching her jaw as she placed her hands on her hips and she forced her eyes to close. It was making her head pound against her skull. She had done so much magic in the past hour, so many spells in attempt of finding a fix to Willow's situation, that it felt like all of the magic had been drained from her tired body.

Skye collapsed on the bed, holding her hands over her face as a groan fell from her lips. She felt completely and utterly useless. All this magic, and yet it was absolutely useless. A knock fell on her door, causing her to lay there for a moment before the knock came again and she huffed before forcing herself up from the bed. She reluctantly made her way over to the door, wanting nothing more than to be able to close her eyes for a quick wink of sleep in hopes of recharging and giving her the chance to keep going. Because she wouldn't give up. That wasn't who she was.

Skye pulled open the door, and almost jumped in surprise when she saw Eloise standing in front of her once more. She frowned slightly before remembering how the woman wanted to have an actual conversation with her when the Avengers came back from their mission. Skye swallowed thickly, her shoulders seeming to automatically tense, only before she felt herself relax when Eloise managed a small smile. Eloise nodded towards Skye.

"Hello again, Skye."

"You're back already?" Skye breathed.

"You don't sound too excited about that factor." Eloise rose an eyebrow.

"No, that's not what I meant." Skye quickly rushed. "I just wasn't expecting you all back so soon. H-How'd it go?"

"Well, for the most part." Eloise nodded for Skye to follow her and Skye was quick to do so, closing the door behind her as she kept long strides with Eloise. "Willow got hit, she's being checked over now by Rosalynn."

"What?" Skye was quick to ask, immediately becoming panicked. "Is she alright?"

"Definitely." Eloise turned a corner and Skye almost tripped over her feet at the sudden change of direction. "Willow's tough. And also whatever's inside of her won't let her die. It keeps healing her, which I guess is the only good part of that darkness. Besides that everyone else is alright. Thanks to you, of course."

Skye furrowed her eyebrows at this. "Thanks to me?"

Eloise smiled again. "Yeah. Those hex bags or whatever the hell they were that you created helped a lot of us out. You're a very useful asset, Skye. That's why I came down here to talk to you. I wanted to know more about you, who you are, how these powers of yours came to be."

"And what do I get in return?" Skye attempted to joke.

Eloise glanced at her before shrugging her shoulders. "Well, what do you want?"

What did she want? That was an easy question to answer. All Skye wanted was the ability to keep helping the Avengers out. That's all she wanted. And that were the words that were about to fall from her lips, when she suddenly stopped upon noticing someone she had been introduced to walking with Steve, a case file in the darker man's hands. He glanced up, his eyes meeting Skye's for a brief moment before he turned his attention back to Steve. Skye watched as the duo walked by with Steve giving her a small nod to which she responded with a smile before turning her head back towards Eloise only to find the woman cocking an eyebrow at her.

"I haven't met him." Skye quickly explained her staring as the two continued down the hallway. "Who's he?"

"Well, your obviously not talking about Steve since you mentioned him the other day." Eloise chuckled. "The man he was with is Sam Wilson, also known as the Falcon."

The Falcon. She had heard that name before, a few years ago when S.H.I.E.L.D. fell. She had heard about him on the news, but she was surprised that she had never been introduced to him with how long she had been here. But then again, Skye only personally knew of two of the original Avengers. Those being Natasha Romanoff because of Willow and Steve Rogers because he had been the one to introduce himself to her--she had panicked on the inside, wondering why he was introducing himself instead of Skye introducing herself.

"You look deep in thought." Eloise mused.

"Well, I thought I knew what I wanted in return, but I think I've changed my mind." Skye answered. "I'd like to meet that man, Sam Wilson. I need to make some new friends around here since Willow seems to be the only one that wants to hang out with me. But then again you guys are always on missions, and I'm always focused on improving my magic."

"Well, I can make that happen." Eloise nodded her head. "He's a simple man to get in contact with, doesn't mind meeting new faces. Now, about your magic?"

Skye explained everything she could about her magic, how it had been something that ran in her family for a long time and how her magic was basically that of a witch. She was surprised to find that Eloise seemed genuinely interested in her magic and what it was that she could do, and it made a smile fall on her face. Eloise went so far as to explain to Skye what had happened to her, claiming it wasn't fair that Skye told her story without Eloise returning the favor. And she felt bad for the woman.

"Is that why Avery keeps calling you a vampire?" Skye hummed, sipping the coffee she and Eloise managed to go out and get.

Eloise clenched her jaw, shaking her head. "I wish she wouldn't. I'm not dead. I'm still me. . . I just went through a lot in order to get back to the person that I used to be. And even then, I'm still not completely me. I'm trying, everyday to better myself. I know that she doesn't mean any harm by it, she's a teenager, she'll come up with names for everyone. Just, don't tell her I said that. I don't want her to feel bad for it."

Skye nodded her head. Eloise looked at the dark haired woman for a moment before offering her a gentle smile. "I really enjoyed talking with you, Skye. We should definitely do it again sometime."

"Time and place, I'm there." Skye agreed.

"Tomorrow, lunch time." Eloise said after a moment of thinking before standing up from the table they had been sat at.

Skye furrowed her eyebrows as she looked at the woman. "Why so soon?"

Eloise smirked. "I have to hold up my end of the bargain. I'm going to introduce you to Sam." With another smirk, Eloise gave the woman a pat on the shoulder before walking away with Skye watching her leave, her thoughts racing a thousand miles per hour. And as she sat there, she couldn't help but be confused as to why she had ever been scared of Eloise Gardener.

 And as she sat there, she couldn't help but be confused as to why she had ever been scared of Eloise Gardener

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