Unwanted Fear

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wooh! its been awhile guys but I am not dead! sorry I have been SUPER busy, but I hope you enjoy this chapter!


I sat up quickly, panting as I gasped for air. I was drenched in a cold sweat, the nightmare I had slowly disappearing from my mind. Unless it wasn't a nightmare? Takuma was by my side instantly, a look of worry in his eyes "are you alright, Ruri?" He asks, his voice gentle and tender as he stares into my sapphire optics. I shivered slightly, not knowing if Ankoku was still here or not, but as if hearing my question Takuma smiles sweetly and runs a hand through my hair "he's gone now, you have no need to worry" he assures me, gently pushing me back down to lay on the soft mattress. It seemed I had been moved to my room and I felt a bandage on my head. I winced, laying my skull on the soft but firm pillow, I must have been hit in the head pretty hard because my memories from before were very hazy.

I groaned gently as I heard Takuma chuckle quietly "we can talk about what happened when you're feeling better. Your classes have been cancelled until further notice so please get some rest" he told me as I turn onto my side. I feel his hand rest on my cheek as my eyes close. I tightened into a ball slightly and his hand slid away, his warmth no longer there to comfort me as I fell asleep under the white sheets. I had been scared and seemed to still be quivering from the interaction from earlier with my brother.

Takuma's POV

She was so scared that it seemed to make me hurt. I wanted to protect her but I failed. Rima poked her head in "Kaname has come back from the headmaster's. He wants to talk to you" her monotone voice says. I sigh, Ruri had just fallen asleep so this was perfect. I glanced over my shoulder at the orange haired vampire "right. I'll be there soon" I say. The girl nods and leaves the room. I glance back down at Ruri and caress her cheek gently before sliding my hand away and leaving the room, closing the door quietly. I made my way to Kaname's study, knocking on the door before entering and shutting the door behind me. Kaname's sigh rings through the room, he was laying on one of the couches, his hand running through his brown hair and his eyes closed "the headmaster has informed me that before Ankoku came here he attacked his parents. Junji is bedridden from the injuries she had received. I can only imagine what would have happened to Ruri if we weren't here. Including Yuki" he says as I take my place on the other couch. I frown "what will we be doing then? Keeping Ruri here? Ankoku is a danger to this entire academy, but he only seems to want Ruri" I conclude, Kaname opens his ruby eyes, staring at the ceiling as he speaks. "He'll do anything to get his hands on Ruri, which includes hurting my dear Yuki. Although, he is a vampire which means I must deal with him myself since the senate won't do anything themselves..." he trails off with a sigh "Ruri will stay and if Ankoku is seen or sensed on school grounds he is to be killed on site. We mustn't let him get in the way of this school's peace" he states, turning his red eyes to me.

I bow my head respectfully, taking in his words before straightening "Exams and the dance are coming up, do you plan on participating?" I ask the pureblood who glances away from me "yes. Although, not for very long" he frowns slightly and I nod "I will inform the others of your orders. Please Kaname, do get some rest" I say before turning and leaving the room. I make my way down the halls, I was happy Ruri would stay but afraid for her well being and safety. I descended the stairs, noticing the group resting on the couches and talking. They all look up at me curiously "Takuma? Is something wrong?" Senri asks, I shake my head as I stand in front of them "lord Kaname has allowed Ruri to stay, but he has given us orders" I explain. The group seemed to turn their entire attention on me, but Ruka narrowed her eyes at the mention of Ruri "if Ankoku is seen or even sensed on school grounds, he is to be killed on site" I state. The group seemed to understand. Akastuki sighs "but isn't he somewhat stronger than us?" He questions.

I narrow my eyes "you'll figure it out. All you have to do is get rid of him."

That night I stood beside a window in the classroom as our teacher went on talking about the new topic we would be learning. All I could think about was Ruri. It was baffling to me, I was so hooked on this girl. Everything about her I wanted to claim as mine, and seeing her hurt made me angry. I was becoming anxious with worry, I tapped my foot against the ground and bit my lip as I starred at the moon dormitory in the distance. I didn't like her being alone, Ankoku could be there right now, hiding in those slimy shadows of his. Everyone in the class had started reading my energy and also felt antsy. Kaname stares over at me "Takuma, please calm down" he says. I narrow my eyes "apologies Lord kaname, I don't seem to be myself right now" I say, moving away from the window. Ruka huffs "If your so worried about her then go check on her! it isn't that hard" she grumbles, crossing her arms over her chest. I glance back at Kaname who sighs, closing his eyes "you may go, but only for tonight" he says. I turn and bow "thank you" I say before straightening and speed walking out of the room. Once I get to the dorm I pause downstairs. I couldn't sense her. I immediately panicked, racing up the stairs and throwing Ruri's door open "Ruri!?" I immeditaly froze after I stepped in. ruri stares at me, drenched in water and covered in a towel, wearing nothing underneath. she was searching her dresser for clothes. Our eyes meet before she glares at me, blushing harshly "get out!" she shouts. My face turns red as i panic and turn, slamming the door shut and falling to the floor on my knees. embarrassment fills me as i put my hands on my head, trying to get the image out of my mind. she was kinda hot. her smooth pale skin glistening- no, no, no. such and indecent thought. she finally comes out of the room, fully clothed and fuming with anger "knock next time!" she shouts, throwing a shoe at me. I fall to the floor in pain, dizzy and with a nosebleed. she panics, still red from what happened, hoisting me up and shaking me "Ta.Ku.Ma!" she says, her voice lengthening out as she says my name, trying to snap me out of my daze.

Damn. the one time I don't knock...

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