First Day

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It was finally my first day of school. I woke up Monday morning and changed into my uniform. I had requested a dorm to myself which was surprisingly fine to the headmaster. I glanced at myself in the mirror. The black, white, and red uniform fit perfectly, though I would have preferred pants, I don't like showing my legs. I guess it can't be helped. I grabbed my things and made my way to class. Throughout the day I was only late to one class which was a good thing, I'm not a fan of being late.

I ate lunch alone and continued with the day. By the end of the day I was tired. As I walked out of the school I noticed a horde of girls and boys rushing to the moon dorm gate. Confused, I followed quietly, standing in the back. I spotted Yuki and a boy who I assumed was Zero, Yuki told me about him Saturday, in the front. They were keeping the students away who seemed to be trying to get into the dorm. Yuki and Zero acted as if this was a reoccurring thing. Not wanting to get in trouble, I turn to walk away but stop when I hear the doors open and everyone gasps. I turn, my sapphire eyes locked on the group of students wearing white uniforms. They must be the night class students. At the head I noticed Kaname, behind him was Takuma. Some of the students seemed uninterested in the day class students that fawned over them while others waved or smiled at them. I didn't like all of the chaos so I was going to leave but my eyes locked with Takuma's. We stared at each other as he walked, he smiled sweetly and waved, I waved slightly back not wanting to be rude.

Once our gazes finally looked away, I turned and made my way back to the dorm. As I was walking I couldn't help but think about him. That smile, those eyes, the aura that surrounded him. Elegant and polite. Like a prince almost. I shook my head with a sigh. I came across a fountain, I remembered it from the tour. It was pretty and as the sun set the rays made the clear water shine. I sat on the edge, my fingertips lightly dipping into the water and swirling the clear liquid around gently. It was strange. All those students were beautiful and elite and the day students seemed to really like them but...why did they take night classes? Why did they only leave the dorm at dusk? Sure, Takuma and Kaname were out the other morning but I hadn't seen them during the day since.

I pulled my fingers from the warm water and as I thought I tied my hair into a braid. The sun was setting, I would have to leave soon so I wouldn't get into any trouble. I frown slightly, once I'm finished I stand and make my way back to the dorm, stepping into my room and changing into something a bit more comfortable before sitting at my desk and getting my homework done. An hour passes and I glance out the window as the moon shines brightly in the sky, stars twinkling in the midnight blue background. The first day went as I thought it would. No one bothered me and left me alone. Though I did see Yuki a few times, she would wave or say Hi and ask how I was doing. She was nice, though I don't know if we should be friends.

I shake my head and continue my homework.

Aido's POV

On our way to class today I noticed Takuma staring at a girl. Now that we were in class he seemed...perplexed. Out of focus, which wasn't normal. I glance over at the green eyed vampire "hey, you doing alright? You seem a bit...out of it" I say, eyeing the boy. He glanced at me and smiled slightly with closed eyes "I'm alright, Aido. Thank you for worrying but I'm fine" he answers. I notice president kuran turned his gaze to the Vice President, narrowing them slightly. Something wasn't right. "Don't lie, Takuma. We can all see something's up" akatsuki says, Ruka huffs and flicks her hair back "it's probably about that girl he was staring at earlier" she says. Takuma sighs "it's nothing, as I said. Besides, talking about it will only worsen the situation" he says, waving it off but keeping up his relaxed smile.

I didn't like this. A girl? Takuma had never shown particular interest in any certain day class students. Odd. My crystal eyes glanced back at Kaname, he seemed perplexed as well. He may not seem like it but he was in deep thought. There was definitely something going on. Who was this girl? Did Kaname know why Takuma was so on edge? I shouldn't say anything or else I'll get in trouble again. If Takuma says it's fine and Kaname doesn't say anything about it then I guess I should leave it for now.

Takuma's POV

Why couldn't I get her eyes out of my head? I had noticed something else earlier as well. I couldn't understand why I didn't smell it the first time but her scent was different from a normal human's, it differed from the day class students and stood out. Kaname must have also noticed because he seemed equally puzzled. If my theory is correct then what happened?

How could a human girl smell like a Vampire...

Blue roses, not red. (Vampire Knight)(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now